Re:Creators – 10 [The Monster Under the Eaves]

The laying of the foundation and development of all previous episodes culminates into an explosive episode that lives up to the hype of Re:Creators’ initial premise.

Following Magane long-winded trolling of last week, the amount of action on display this episode more than made up for her antics. Every creation (with the except of Mamika) gets in on the action and I love how the fight progressed like Fate/Zero as characters would switch opponents and abilities littered the battlefield. Even ordinary people like Sota manages not be a bitch and summons his courage long enough for a spirited argument of Alice. Old favorites like Meteroa’s missile attack makes a return to little effect against Alice and new abilities keep the twists coming. It turns out that the only thing that can go toe-to-toe against Rui’s ace in the hole Gigas Machina is another giant robot. That match was a little disappointing as I would have loved to see how a giant robot square off with squishier foes. The implications are now that Altair could very well summon copies of creations and have them fight against each other and that could be very exciting indeed. For many though, the highlight was definitely Selesia finally transforming into her alternate form and doing her best Excalibur impression along Sawano’s insert song. I didn’t really feel the the parent and child analogy between Takashi and Selesia earlier in the series, but his speech about her cliches line and throwing himself into the fight with the power of Twitter was heartwarming to say the least.

On more chaotic side of things, Magane just continues to get stronger and that doesn’t bode well for either side. At some point in the story, she is going to become borderline OP if she continues to gain stands and build up immunity to certain attacks. It would be simpler for everyone to shut their  mouth when confronting Magane and just focus on whacking the shit out of her. and Unfortunately for Yuuya, he finds out the hard way that having any conversation with her is always bound to fall victim to that trollish causality ability of her.In the aftermath of this brawl, Yuuya’s attack power gets halved, nothing really gets settled and there are only more questions like how new information brought into the social conscious affect creations as it looks like it was just a temporary power-up and Selesta is still wounded. The Re:Creators ride is not even halfway done and it’s looking like it going to be one hell of a wild second half.

Note: Re:Creators OST is out so go have a listen to Sawano’s epic soundtrack. Favorites include God of ink; 4GL4yu8RE:E, AL:Lu and Layers.

One thought on “Re:Creators – 10 [The Monster Under the Eaves]

  1. A good episode indeed. And yes I agree, they need to do something with Megane.

    I am happy to see there will be an episode this weekend! Huzzay!

    And the OST is indeed great. Layers and Brave the Ocean are among my favorite as well as Yuyas theme.

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