Some Quick First Impressions: Occultic;Nine, 3-gatsu no Lion, Long Riders! and Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari


Short Synopsis: An occult professor gets murdered, a boy wants to improve traffic to his occult website, a girl curses people for profit and far too many things happen.

The first forty seconds of this episode are the most confusing and utterly disjointed thing I have seen so far this year. This dialogue is so spitfire that it would make Bakemonogatari shout to slow down and I really don’t understand just why this is. What’s being shown doesn’t need this much dialogue and because everyone talks at the same speed no one has any time to act or sound distinct. What more, are we really going with that character design for the female lead? I had to do a double take when I saw her in the opening but yes, you really went with that. Not even Keijo airing this season gave a girl breasts of such stupid size. The big problem with this is that the size of her breasts don’t match that of the rest of her design making her look just really anatomically disportionate and alien. So if the point was to make her attractive I fear you have failed because her design is too visually confusing to elicit the correct response. I hear this episode covered a whole light novel volume worth of content and how anyone thought that was a good idea is beyond me. I feel like this was trying to push for the Durarara feel and be cool as it jumped between characters but the editing is so jarring that it only makes it disortating when it cuts to another scene with no rhyme or cohesion. The writing isn’t much better, while we have a good set up the amount of exposition spouted by our main character is utterly ridiculous and I would like to point out that you cannot claim to be a NEET if you in second year of high school. When I saw that bloody knife I was like “Don’t pick it up, don’t pick it up, don’t…” and then he goes “Cool! A bloody knife!” and picks it up. The pacing may so down in later episodes but in general with this author’s works it’s the beginning where he is strongest. After that is generally when things get stupid and if this is how it starts I say things are going to get stupid fast. I didn’t think they could top Robotics;Notes in terrible writing but they may just have.

Potential: 10%

Mario: Occultic;Nine proves to be the most uneven show that I have seen this season. With one of the most interesting premise that tackles paranormal science and the murder case that served as its catharsis, how on earth that the execution managed to be that terrible? Firstly, the pacing is wrong. I usually don’t mind fast pacing and rapid fire dialogue, but it goes too fast and jumps around between 8,9 people that there’s no room for any of that moments to breathe. Secondly, when given a spotlight to shine, most of those characters instead either use strange phrases (“unravel poltergeist”, “eaten by a demon”, “terrible odor” – give me a break) that it’s hard to take them seriously, or like the lead keep babbling about his websites and boobs. Thirdly, the tones are all over the place as well: sometimes it tries to be funny, sometimes it goes dark, occasionally it wants to be a mystery… and none of that work well together. Lastly, I know that the story will make more sense in later episodes but at least in this first episode nothing make any damn sense. I see it having some real meats so I’ll continue to watch it, but if it doesn’t handle the tones right, it is doomed to be a failure.

Potential: 40%


3-gatsu no Lion

Short Synopsis: A student professional Shogi player tries to forget his family troubles by having dinner with a family of sisters.

Did we really need that ten minute slow sequence of the main going to a Shogi match and playing it? This is already an immensely slow paced story so by slowing it down further you just kill any dwindling interest I may have had. I said it before in the season preview but it bears repeating, if you want a single slice of life show from this season then this should be your pick. It certainly has the best production values and the most effort put into the story. Though personally I have just grown tired of this genre and find this story has a hard time balancing it’s comedy and drama. The tone with the mains backstory is deathly serious but any time the sisters show up this swings into comedy so bubbly that it wouldn’t be out of place in last seasons show “Sweetness and Lightning”. I cannot deny that this will certainly have a pull for people into this kind of story but as for myself I prefer anime as a means of escapism so a show that aims to emulate real life only serves to hinder that objective. I don’t mind having a slice of life every now and again but as of now I have enough slice of life to make a couple of pies.

Potential: 70%

Mario: Arguably one of the most anticipated shows this season, this show has to do a lot to impress. I’m happy to say that this show delivers its premise very well. The first part of this episode focuses on Rei on his way to play a match with his adoptive father, and that part is where the show shines the best. The lack of dialogue, the emptiness of his rooms, the repeated use of bubbling water, all express the disconnection and the emptiness inside the guy. He’s not a happy guy and the show succeeds in showing us that, coupling with that lovely song on the train (is it in French?). The sound editing, the shots composition, and the editing all works very well in that first part. The second part contrasts very neatly to the first, as we see the overjoy and full of life from his neighbors. It comes as a tonal disruption, but well, it’s intentional to show that those people care about him and they would guide him to become a happy person too. The cast is endearing, even the cats are charming (I’m a cat person!). I love the watercolor, simple backgrounds and the productions so far is top-notch. The heavy emotional roller coaster is there, but will these funny, endearing moments fit well with its sad tones or will it become a distraction? At least in this first episode it works like a charm.

Potential: 80%


Long Riders!

Short Synopsis: A girl decides to buy a bike and go cycling after falling in love with a bicycle.

The beginning of this practically mirrors that of Stella no Mahou. Cute girl is at school recruitment and can’t find what she wants to do. Suddenly spots a mysterious activity and gains a massive interest in it. Tries it and finds it’s the most fulfilling thing in the history of existence. They might be going a bit overboard with the level she falls for her bicycle as it really does treat it like she has literally fallen in love with it. To a degree that by episode’s end I wouldn’t be surprised if she was using this bike to reenact a certain scene from Golden Boy episode 5. I said before that out of the cute girls cute things in this season that Stella no Mahou was likely the best one of the season and this series hasn’t changed my mind on this matter. In fact this one was much more forgettable as when it comes to it, Cycling just don’t have much substance. Whereas there is so much more to do with Indie gaming. Harmless but ultimately unremarkable.

Potential: 10%

Mario: I begin to suspect that this show is funded by a government to encourage young teen to bike to school. The reason for that because going through this episode, not only the show sells us that biking is “the best” activity ever, but the show has time to do educational advice to eat breakfast before doing any exercise. Well, well I might be sold to buy a bike after watching this, except for the fact that I already had one. Alright, let’s get serious now. This is your typical cute girls doing cute things anime, so of course all the girls are harmless and even the bike has a name and it’s cute. I think plot-wise they will eventually form a club and maybe play in a tour. This show is an unremarkable entry and by the end of the episode you will likely to forget everything except biking is cute and everyone should name their bikes.

Potential: 10%


Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari

Short Synopsis: When returning to his hometown a man finds a strange tanuki boy in his father Udon shop.

If you had a hole in your life since Sweetness and Lightning ended then I think this should fill it. It holds the same sort of appeals with the kid filling your heart with that fluffy protective feeling and it looks like the main focus is going to be pushing the man to take on his father’s business to sell Udon. The supernatural element is rather strange as the child appears to be a Tanuki in human form and this looks to be the reason why this guy will likely end up raising him. Overall it’s a decent show and could act as a fun easygoing watch in between shows. Not much to say about it other than that, if you need some spiritual healing this season I say this show has got you covered.

Potential: 60%

Mario: How could I resist it? A slice of life drama about 30 something man raising up a kid? I’m already a fan of Usagi Drop and to a degree Barakamon so this is right in my wheelhouse. This show works in both area: he raises a tanuki and in a process, comes to appreciate his hometown, his father’s udon restaurant and his family too. Well, raising a kid is never easy but it’s rewarding. The tanuki here is as adorable as she could get and their interaction already feel genuine and warm. The plot implies heavily on him to open the shop again, and their misadventure in the future would be a rewarding watch. The fact that she’s a tanuki would serve as some kind of conflict in the future. Now, this is exactly my kind of show so it’s a given that I will continue to follow this, for those of you who like a light weekend watch between heavy shows, this show is the best treat for you.

Potential: 60%

8 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Occultic;Nine, 3-gatsu no Lion, Long Riders! and Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari

  1. I can tell you that the sisters have tremendously intense serious arcs later in 3 gatsu no lion. What I cannot tell you is that the anime will get there with 22 episodes.

    1. Has the look and feel of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, right down to the titling. Similar mix and level of comedy and drama? Wondering if the intensity of the comedy might be matched by the intensity of the drama later. Does this show go Shion no Ou, as in an unexpected genre twist?

  2. So…this is kind of off topic but I noticed the title Sweetness and Lightning thrown around, which kind of threw me cos I didn’t know this show. Then I looked it up and it was Amaamaa to Inazuma. Which is about a single dad looking after his daughter. So I wasn’t sure where the lightning comes into the picture…but then I looked at the kanji that makes up the word “Inazuma” and it’s actually the characters for Rice and Wife, which makes a lot more sense in terms of what the anime is like. So I thought the lightning part was a mistranslation. But then I looked up Inazuma together and it really does mean lightning in japanese. What gives? Any language expert able to explain why the characters for Rice and Wife make up Lightning? Did wives in ancient rice farms in Japan have a lightning-like personalities or something? Is the title Sweetness and Lightning a mistranslation somehow and should it be called Sweetness and Rice Wife?

    1. Okay, here’s what I found out:

      [meaning] flash of lightning
      [origin] Literal meaning rice’s lover. It was believed that rice-plants would join with the lightning to produce ripened plants. Inazuma comes from the fact that this phenomenon often occurs during fall.

      It’s interesting to know by the way.

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