Some Quick First Impressions: EVIL OR LIVE, Boku no Kanojo ga Majime Sugiru Shobitch na Ken and Inuyashiki


Short Synopsis: An Internet addict is thrown into a shady re-education academy.

Wooper’s review

How am I supposed to feel after having seen this dumpster fire? Should I sympathize with the MMO and FPS junkies trapped in their new prison, or should I pity them instead? Is the purple-haired inmate supposed to be viewed as a badass or a manipulative prick? There’s no way to know for sure, because Evil or Live is too amateurish a production to transmit a point of view. It struggles just to fill 22 minutes, stitching together on-screen text, live action scenes, and a creepy children’s song in the vain hope that the end result might be slightly entertaining. None of those things are show-killers on their own, but when combined with choppy animation, a senseless premise, and some of the worst voice acting I’ve ever heard, they certainly don’t do the show any favors. The only way this series could possibly cultivate an audience is by preying on the fears of real life Internet addicts, and to its credit, that’s precisely what Evil or Live does. Its chief villain is a physically imposing, verbally abusive, beatstick-wielding brute of a man, and he’s probably the most likable character in the show. In fact, his only flaw is that he didn’t emerge from my computer screen and beat *me* senseless so I wouldn’t have to watch this entire episode.

Potential: 0%

Mario’s review

Hello Chinese anime, my old friend. I’ve come to talk about you again. It’s funny that you can track how Haoliners progresses as an anime studio by following their seasonal offerings. This time, for example, they expand their artistic ground by including brief live-action and stop motion montages in the opening sequences that feel right at home with Shaft’s impressionist art, which for me is a welcomed experiments. But watching Evil or Live, I have a strong feeling of being manipulated by the show. There are two main themes this show wants to convey: first, the addictiveness from playing games online, which do have its social relevance but they make it way too serious here; and second, the abusive treatments that feel more like a jail than an institution. Those two themes conflicts each other in terms of direction, so to resolve this issue, the show decides to… get the main male lead hooking up with his crush from secondary school? Yeah, you heard it right. The male lead is a punchable dude who sobs and wets all the time and his motive is so trashy that he belongs right where this show is. Apart from those interesting visuals I mentioned above, the animation is on the lackluster side, the humor is depressingly awkward and I swear I see dozen of other characters who look like the main character here. Still not a good enough effort Haoliners, but keep trying by all means.

Potential: 0%


Boku no Kanojo ga Majime Sugiru Shobitch na Ken

Short Synopsis: A boys new girlfriend keeps relating everything in their relationship to excessively sexual matters.

Aidan’s review

If anyone knows me, then they know I don’t find anime comedy to be very funny but this is even worse when a comedy anime is centered around a single joke. Boy wants a pure relationship but his girlfriend keeps misinterpreting all his desires as excessively sexual. Isn’t that hilarious? Not really. If you ask me a girl with a sex drive isn’t something to be shamed but rather I think it’s what most of us would want. My main problem here is that like that show we had last season about a sexually aggressive character they make it that the character is actually just a pure little snowflake and the whole desire for sex is actually some misunderstanding or front. I really hate that because I find this “purity” thing to be absolutely hypocritical and stupid. My guess is that this childhood friend of his that someone manages to make every line of dialogue into a double entendre actually gets all “Hazukashi” when it comes to getting down to be business. So what this show has to offer is sex jokes with some filler romance, fanservice and harem aspects in between. Despite not knowing how this series will turn out, I am nearly one hundred percent certain the romance will go nowhere. Because it’s a romance in anime comedy. It never goes anywhere.

Potential: 0%

Mario’s review

Oh anime about a bunch of teens who can’t control their hormones, just about what we need. You must have one of those to complete the season. How many times do we see the confession right off the bat between characters who we have no idea who they are? The premise sounds like a clone of Mysterious Girlfriend X but at least the latter had its own charm, this one is boring and filled with tropes. Already this guy has a harem who are physically closer to him than his own girlfriend. The plot is driven by hormones so there’s of course boob-bouncing, boob-grabbing and isn’t it great that the person who drives the plot isn’t our main characters but some random girl? Even I don’t get what Sho-bitch really mean so it’s clear that I’m not an audience target for this. Anime was indeed a mistake. Next.

Potential: 0%



Short Synopsis: An elderly man is turned into a cyborg after an alien encounter.

Wooper’s review

The series I was most reminded of as I watched this episode was Parasyte. The main characters of each show may differ quite a bit in age, but they both receive extraordinary powers after coming into contact with aliens, and are forced to battle at least one other person with the same abilities. Parasyte dealt mostly with questions of naturality, but Inuyashiki is more likely to tackle social issues, given the loneliness and age-based discrimination its hero is saddled with. That’s an exciting prospect in an anime landscape full of dumb teenagers, but it’s up to MAPPA to deliver a watchable product. So far I’d say the show looks… passable. The hybrid 2D/CG style is a necessity, given the main character’s robotic frame, but the show creates a jarring effect whenever it uses a 3D model for his human form. Even during traditionally-animated scenes, there are a lot of moments where characters ought to look anguished or furious, and they’re flat-faced instead. Still, the show looks clean and its events are well laid-out, which isn’t something that can be said about every series. I’m picking this one up for at least three episodes, but I’m not ready to drink the whole pitcher of Kool-Aid just yet.

Potential: 65%

Lenlo’s Review

I had no idea what I was getting into with Inuyashiki, and this first episode blew me away. I was interested from start to finish. First and foremost, the age of the main character. In a market where characters in their 20’s are a rarity, we are given a 58 year old salaryman with an unloving family and a bad back. Everything about his character, from his problems to his attitude, just feels like a breathe of fresh air. There are some issues however. As Wooper said, most characters are flat faced, but I would like to think that was done on purpose to show what the Main Character’s life was like. Based on his own expressions, they can clearly do emotion. The CG is also hit or miss. Normal scenes, with just humans, look wonky. Yet any scene involving the robotic parts look fantastic. Lots of effort clearly went into the Robot Model, as it should since it’s a centerpiece, and anytime that robot is doing something just looks great. I am concerned this is going to turn into some shounen affair, with the young man who was also hit. But assuming they can keep the old man interesting and really tackle the problems of his age I think Inuyashiki will be a treat.

Potential: 85%

AidanAK47’s review

As the others have said, the art for the faces comes off as rather stiff and the CGI can be a bit jarring. I will also say that it may be hammering home the point a little too hard. I like that it is showing the social issue of people being apathetic towards an senor generation but it goes a little too far with the doctor nonchalantly declaring a death sentence and the teenagers gunning for blood at the end. It’s not outside the realm of plausibility but I feel that, in particular the teenagers, they went too far to vilify them. Regardless this is a unique concept and I really like the execution of it so far. Whats better is that the Inuyashiki manga has been completed and from the looks of things this series could in fact be a complete adaption. Which has bumped this series up a few points in my eyes.

Potential: 75%

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