Quick Announcement: Direction, Writers, and Content

I never expected the site would come this far to where I’d feel the need to make an announcement – but here we are, and it’s only right to let you know what’s happening behind the scenes with the site. So as a public service, this is meant to inform all of you who don’t frequently visit our chatbox as to where the site is going, and the gradual changes that you can expect over the coming months.

When the first wave of new writers after psgels (including Aidan, Ninjarealist, and myself) came onboard, we did so fully intending to never deviate too far from the kind of content that Psgels had always maintained since the site’s days on Blogsome in 2005, and for the most part, that still holds true – we’re very consistent with episodic reviews, on top of the usual Seasonal Previews, and anything before them. However, we realize that we can’t limit ourselves to what we consider “playing safe,” and that it really doesn’t hurt to try something new for a change. As a result, the influx of all kinds of original content has reflected that. Besides, whether it was SuperMario’s Versus Show, Aidan’s Manga Spotlight, or my Game Reviews, the positive feedback from you guys, long-timers or not, have continued to encourage us in our efforts to improve the blog in our own ways. So, as far as content goes, you can expect a lot more interesting takes on the site like the Versus Show, on top of the usual seasonal content.

Lastly, you’ve probably noticed that the site has been in a constant state of construction with the chatbox over the past few days, but it’s an extension of our efforts to modernize the site. There’s still some tweaks to be made here and there with the entire site in general (for example, the site eats up A LOT of cpu and the chat needs more work), but I’ll be working with everyone, including Psgels, in order to clean up the site’s coding over the next few months. This really is a site you can fully customize from top to bottom, so if you have a suggestion for a new feature, please don’t hesitate to throw some ideas our way.


15 thoughts on “Quick Announcement: Direction, Writers, and Content

  1. Yay for change! I think everything that is going on will help the site and original content will be refreshing! I’m excited!

  2. I really enjoy the variety of content in this site when you guys took over. Be it non-japanese animation or game reviews, everything was enjoyable so far. I am glad that you expanded the content of the blog and hope that the blog will attract more new readers.

  3. I hope everything goes well for you guys. I’ve been following this blog since 2007, and even though Psgels isn’t here anymore, I’m glad one of my favorite anime blogs of all time is still going strong. Whatever content you guys plan to put out is perfectly fine with me and the rest of us fans and followers here.

  4. Yay for psgels helping!

    Anyway, please tell me that the signing of names with ~name~ is over. It’s kinda pointless with the author now being in the title and it honestly looks like a signature from a forum in 2004.

    But excited for new content! An update to the ever unchanging header would be nice.

    1. I don’t my taking off my signature, but let’s see how other writers think about it. My only issue in that regard is when you search for some titles, it’s pretty hard to know who the author of the posts unless you click to that specific post. Is there anyway that you can improve that K-off and Aidan?

    2. I always felt that peoples eyes glaze over that line below the title. I thought the signature was a good way of ending posts. Not quite sure why it bothers you so much but maybe we can find a better alternative.

  5. I think a good next step for the site could be to make it into a collaborative blog as opposed to a multi-author blog, such that anyone can write review series given they are consistent with quality and promptness in their submissions (adhering to a given set of standards). I believe this is a good idea because there is no real difference between the site authors as they stand now and the site readers at this point, and site authors don’t necessarily need site admin privileges at all. To maintain the status quo as it stands doesn’t really make sense.

    1. also the chatbox isn’t working on my ipad. I keep getting ‘forbidden’ errors. I don’t know if this is because I’m using the ipad or if the chatbox just isn’t working at all.

      1. Now, what you suggest isn’t far off from what we already have as a fledgling multi-author site – we content writers haven’t yet formed our own niche/voice, unlike what psgels has, so that’s why we’re finally beginning to experiment on our own.
        The hope is to see the site and its content go to the level where that is possible once again, and I think we finally have the right people on-hand to accomplish that. I hope you understand, I’ll respect the wishes of Psgels as far as that goes.

        Yes, unfortunately, the chat is back in construction as Aidan, Psgels and I figure out how to get the darn thing running efficiently. We’ll have to bear with it for now.

    1. I prefer to keep this not profit. For us this is a hobby. Besides, spitting the donations between us would be a nightmare.

        1. Appreciate it, but finances aren’t a problem for us, as it really doesn’t cost much to keep the site running.

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