Psycho-Pass 3 – 06 [Caesar’s Gold Coins]

The plot thickens as Psycho-Pass’s spider web of connections splinters off in unforseen ways as it’s all starting to come together for the final two episodes.

Once again, the double-length runtime really helps out with the investigations of religious organization. A good length of time was with Kei being undercover and Arata chasing the rest of the religious leaders and really got a feel for what they have been up to. If those Psycho-Pass blocking helmets in the first season were a problem then this Eternal White procedure poses an existential threat to the Sybil System if every member of Heaven’s Leap decides to take up arms and overthrow the government. The last episode had a lot of moving parts behind the suicide bombers and it gets much more complicated when it is revealed that Torri is the sole mastermind behind the bombing as opposed to everyone being apart of the conspiracy. It was pretty obvious that he usurp Nisei to take control of Heaven’s Leap but to have him be the 3rd inspector and his mom be one of the congressmen was unexpected. The thing is that the original four religious leader were engaged in weapons smuggling and prostitution but still had pretty clear hues.

Arata’s use of his OP ability in the hospital pushes the case forward which then begs the question of what is O’Brien’s role within this plan? Was he acting alone and got Torri to help or did Torri push me to take action to get back at the injustices being done to the immigrants. As this is all part of the high-stakes game put forth by the congressman, the latter is more likely. I’m excited in the payoff in having members of Roundrobin finally meeting the MWPSB in person and finally revealing what connections, something that have been teased for the entire season, they have to Kei/Aarta dark past. With Kei being captured and the show in the midst of cashing in on all the death flags on Maya, it’s time for Psycho-Pass to show off its own brand of suffering. Psycho-Pass has no qualms about killing its characters if the plot called for it and I wouldn’t mind if either Kei, his wife or Mao ends up being cut to a million pieces Babylon-style. Given Foreign Affairs has already infiltrated Heaven’s Leap, I would expect them to show at one point or another to help break out Kei.

Having Bitforst and the Sibyl system fight it out would be a really solid basis for a fourth season and it would be a shame to have the opposing system end its run in just two episodes. I don’t have a good feeling for the members of the Roundrobin or what their goals are yet even though this is their third game of the season. While it is technically possible to wrap everything up in the time remaining, at the methodical pace that the season has been going, it seems like Production IG has far greater plans in the future for Psycho-Pass.

One thought on “Psycho-Pass 3 – 06 [Caesar’s Gold Coins]

  1. Calling it, 4 double-length episode finale to Psycho-Pass 3 sometime next year. Or maybe another movie like the SS films that came out earlier.

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