Phantom – 16

Ah, a calm before the storm. Something’s telling me that in the next episode, all hell is going to break loose and after the relatively light-hearted past few episodes, I’m very eager to see what kind of climax this arc is going to come up with. And this episode wasn’t wasted in any way either: it had a very quiet second half, but that really allowed the character-development between Cal and Reiji to show.

But this episode started out with me getting very surprised at how Claudia suddenly killed off Isaac in order to calm down the angry gang after Ein provoked them. Talk about hitting two flies in one blow, because with this the matter of Isaac’s betrayal is now also solved. But damn, that’s about the least thing I expected. There were no close-ups or dramatic build-up, no long death speeches nor any sorts of melodrama, nothing. Just that guy getting shot and falling down.

The thing is, that the matter of Cal’s revenge is also taken care of. The question now becomes “how to get Cal out of this mess”, but the matter get srather complicated when Cal has grown a bit too fond of Reiji, and is seriously trying to become an assassin herself, because it was the first time she felt appreciated. At the same time, Reiji is torn between leaving Cal and making sure that she doesn’t grow up to be a broken human like he is, and staying with her because of how she managed to mentally help him get over his past.

Okay, so the past few episodes weren’t as intense as the Ein Arc, but definitely awesome in their own way. Cal is an excellent character, and I really liked how the creators portrayed her influence on Reiji, and how the two of them gradually get to understand each other. Really well done.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

5 thoughts on “Phantom – 16

  1. Hey, that had been Claudia’s intention all the way – to kill Wisemel. It offered her the perfect opportunity. And since Reiji extra-framed him by dropping the stolen 5 millions there, one can only say “Mission Accomplished”

    There isn’t all that much of a speed difference in both chapters. It’s just that the Ein part felt alien and oppressive, while the Cal part is much lighter overall. Anyway – time to blow everything up again…


    Did you notice the citation from the movie “The Professional” after Cal and Reiji talk in his home? This scene looks so much alike to be a coincidence.

  3. That’s the second time I’ve seen the movie The Proffesional mentioned in relation to this arc. It is similar in the sense that an older assassin takes a young girl under his wing.

    I wonder what’s going to happen once Reiji and Ein meet again?

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