Pandora Hearts – 14

What an amazing episode. It may have had a bad episode director, but even he couldn’t stop the awesomeness of this episode. The build-up in this episode was just perfect, and the revelations that were pulled were stunning. This series has a bit of a lull after Oz came back from the Abyss, but it’s really been getting better and better ever since!

So the Jack Bezarius of the previous episode was just a fragment of Alice’s memories; we have yet to find out what happened to the real bugger. I really thought that he was going to be one of the major bad guys in this series, but the complete opposite seems to be true, and he seemed pretty genuine in this episode.

But damn… to think that the tragedy at … was caused by Break, of all people. And Gil was there too?! For some reason, that tragedy caused them to plunge into the abyss, and return 100 years later (if I assume correctly, Break appeared 10 years before Gilbert; at the moment I can’t remember whether we saw him along with Sharon in episode 1). To make things even worse, one of them killed Alice, when she still was A NORMAL PERSON. Something then happened that not only turned Alice into B-Rabbit, but also created white Alice, and possibly even that Dark Alice that we saw in one of these shots… Alice then got plunged into the Abyss and remained there until Oz came along for who knows how many years.

Damn, I have to say that I’m impressed. Pandora Hearts is turning into a really well-crafted mystery-series. I really hope that Xebec is going to be smart enough to make a second season of this one, because it truly deserves it.
Rating: *** (Awesome)
An awesome string of new developments and revelations.

9 thoughts on “Pandora Hearts – 14


    Ahahaha ! Thank goodness Ueda didn’t put anything on Vinny’s “insane” stunt xD (in the manga, he walked around and… doing something to the corpses with his scissors. Too bad, Xebec isnt that smart enough to do it >33

  2. It does hate me.

    So yeah, about Xebec’s art-of-cutting-best-scenes again. It’s a bit disappointing but jumping into fire isn’t a sane act either :p

    Ehem, anyhow, you kinda misunderstood a few things there. Jack is NOT a fragment of Alice’s memories. It is his soul fragment that is inside of Alice memories so he got a personality unlike other “things” in Cheshire’s RealmAnd this is important; it’s not Break who did the tragedy, it’s Vincent and yes, we saw Break with Sharon on episode 1. Break got a one awesome chain though (Love and Peace *facepalm*)

    Trust me, there is no way PH could end in a season. They should really make an open end with THAT chapter. I don’t think they would be able to make an anime original since.. I don’t see any space for it and it would make absolutely no sense, unless Xebec got either too stupid or oversmart to do it >3

  3. Schmetterling: yeah, do not use the < sign here. It cuts off the rest of your comment.

    And crap, I switched around some names again. Vincent indeed seems much more likely to have caused the event than Break. 😛

  4. Ah, I see.

    Better fix it unless you prefer to confuse people around xD

    More surprises will come soon, especially if they really want to use that certain chapter as the ending, you might get haunted of curiosity till they got second season around(if it’s open ending…)

    By the way, will you do reviews for PH’s DVD extra episodes? They’re mostly cracks and parodies from the manga’s omake but at least one should have a small but pretty significant detail for PH’s most popular character (according to a certain poll xD)

  5. Schmetterling:

    By “that” chapter, do you perhaps mean the end of the school arc, or later? The school arc would be a nice place to pause, assuming there’s a season 2 (THERE BETTER BE), but cliffhangers abound in later chapters too, so if the anime wants to be cruel (*cough* chapter 38!?!!?! *cough*) it could jump forward a bit.

    But man, that chapter totally revamped my theories about everything.


    Welcome to the madness! This is seriously only the tip of the iceberg as far as the mystery goes. Who killed Alice? Why is Vincent crazy? Why doesn’t Gil remember? Who really caused the Tragedy of Sabrie? What happened to Jack?

    Your ideas are interesting, but there’s a lot more going on than what we know so far (in the anime and the manga). I do think Vincent indirectly caused Sabrie, though.

    As for Alice, that’ll be revealed soon enough, I think.

    Glad to see you like it so far! Thanks for your efforts!

  6. @smallDetails

    Chapter 32, a certain man’s arc where a dark past is revealed! Those scanlator groups should be able to get it at least next week xD

    Another birth of a PH fan xD

  7. This was indeed an amazing episode. But sadly Xebec cuts out another epic scene AGAIN. :c I really realy liked the cutting out everyone’s eyeballs Vincent in the manga, all gorey and gruesome. c:
    btw, it was the baskervilles(sp?) who caused the tragedy not Break.

  8. @Elky
    Aw, come on, you expect Xebec to do that? At least they made Vince jumped to fire and that’s pretty crazy already. It could have been worse, considering it was Ueda on the eppy.

    It was the Baskervilles who did it but what he meant there is the kid who was crying there and it’s Vincent, not Break. Dang, lots of people mistake Vince for Break….

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