OVA Impressions: Black Lagoon – Roberta’s Blood Trail – 05

Apologies for this late impression. I just didn’t have the time to check it out. I’ glad that I did, though, because this is an awesome conclusion. It was far from the all out war that I expected: because of the first Roberta arc, I really thought that this OVA would try to trump that. Instead we got something much more character-centric, dialogue focused and horror-like. It worked really well: the build-up paid off wonderfully with this episode.

There were pretty much two major things going on in this story: first of all there is Garcia trying to get Roberta back, and then there is Rock. Their conclusions were very different, but very satisfying, and in a way bitter-sweet. Garcia did a great job in maturing and getting Roberta back to her senses, while Rock’s story ended with a great anti-climax, after just one phone call of Balalaika threw his plans in the water. This is what I consider to be a great pay-off after a lot of build-up.

I do wonder why there were no repercussions for Roberta: I mean, she killed a ton of the soldier’s comrades, but after the fight ended none of them seemed angry about it, and they just let her go. I know that they were in the wrong and all, and that they acknowledged their responsibility, but to me they felt a bit too cold towards Roberta. In the same way Rock went a bit out of character during the first half with his scary faces (his voice was like… totally different from usual). Those are mere details though: the continuation of Black Lagoon was really excellent from beginning to end.
OVA Episode Rating: 8.5/10

6 thoughts on “OVA Impressions: Black Lagoon – Roberta’s Blood Trail – 05

  1. I really hope there’s more episodes to come, as soon as possible. Black Lagoon is a wonderful show!

    and, yeah, Rock was pretty scary this episode…

  2. This series is actually really disturbing to me, simply because I realize the reality of pirates. Having said that I do like this series, its in my “top 25”. But. There were two things that seem to me to mark this as “the end of the story”. The first is that we actually see why Rebecca seems to “hate all men”. We see it. It was only hinted at before. The second is that in this ep out of desperation Rock “falls to the dark side” for “all the right reasons”. Something that both “fry face” and “the king of the triads” both told him was going to happen. Hell, Rebecca warned him about it also. So did “the school girl”.

    The story is really all about Rock and his “purity”. Now that he has become “the same as everyone else” the story is “over” in a way.

    1. @”he has become “the same as everyone else”… way”.No fella,the case is different.You see Rock was compelled(or sentenced)by the results of fate to effectivelly pull the Snake out of it’s place.
      Rock just had to think and act like a Strong Iranian Strategist to save Roanapur from destruction.And if there is one who we should never trust it’s Eda.Earlier in episode “Goat,Jihad and Rock and Roll” we saw Lagoon’s mistake to trust the US government for it’s “fight against terrorism”.And who’s going to save Roanapur-and the rest of the -from unscrupulous government organisations and their agents like Eda?
      I’m afraid that we’ve seen only a glimpse from Eda’s real horrible attitude.Don’t forget:Revy and Rock have only seen Eda’s cute facade!!
      I guess Rock’s right for suspecting her,Eda I mean.
      As for Revy,what will happen if suddenly she recognizes the policeman who raped her?I guess she would kill him,and I am OK with that,but if he’s under the protection of the US government for “a great cause”.”Don’t you dare touch him,Revy!He’s an asset for the US interests”,Eda might say.
      Hm,will the Iranians enter Roanapur?I don’t think Balalaika(or Eda) would be pleased to encounter Qassem Suleimani.He’s so Tough,so tricky!

    2. What do I mean for the US agencies in Black Lagoon?Because they assassinated Garcia’s father and created one-without any good reason for-fracas that could end in Roanapur’s sheer Decimation.It certainly gave strains to Revy and Rock,and I love them.
      I suspect that the reason for Rock’s estrangment from his parents has to do with his older brother.The older,as I suspect,must have abusing Rock by various means.Could‘ve he discredited him openly,while taking all the applause for the one,or other work? “Rokuro,why don’t you do it like your brother?When are going to learn something usefull from him?”!
      If yes then these must have been a great pain for Rock,and therefor never got over with.He’s such gentle soul.He’s not holding a grudge to them.
      Any one might say that all these I’ve written(my suspicions)are mere speculations.Well we‘re waiting to see what’s coming.

  3. I’m pretty sure that was Eda talking to her superiors, not Balalaika.

    Although I agree that the build up to the climax was great, the anti-climax didn’t /feel/ like an anti-climax to me – it felt like a failed climax. Which really brought the entire quality of the show down a notch – it’s not that I want to have giant letters shoved in my face telling me ‘THIS IS AN ANTI-CLIMAX’, but this anti-climax just didn’t feel /tasteful/ at all.

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