OVA Impressions: .Hack//Quantum – 02

Ah, so this episode revealed the genre of .Hack.//Quantum to be a thriller. A thriller with as major villain the cat who in the real world is just a young boy. In true .Hack fashion, a lot of things are different from what they seem. People are really able to create a second identity this way.

It’s a shame that this one is just three episodes long, but I like how the creators found a way to turn this into a dynamic story by revealing that the entire Goal of the Cat was basically for naught. By timing this right, the creators allowed this OVA to evolve in a short time: this episode felt completely unlike the first episode. It’s good for an OVA to be varied.

One thing that I do wonder about was the reason why the creators decided to just reveal all of the major questions in this episode. I mean, this episode left hardly any questions or mystery left unanswered, aside from the Cat’s backstory. Again this hints at a completely different third episode, but that one will be hard to pull off without the mystery.

Also, on a side-note: very short Tsukasa cameo hell yeah!
OVA Episode Rating: 8.25/10

4 thoughts on “OVA Impressions: .Hack//Quantum – 02

  1. Omg, I just watched it. I was so into it!
    Will they be able to make a good ending (like explaining EVRYTHING, making the final battle and so on) with just one epiosde left? I’m not sure…

    But this episode was really thrilling!

  2. I really liked the episode, it had great animation quality and a very interesting story. 3 episodes (at 24 min each) seems way too short for this series but I suppose for a small(ish) studio that is probably all they could afford to work on at once. I did not enjoy the other .hack anime series much, but this one is turning out great. I cant wait for episode 3.

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