OVA Impressions: Black Lagoon – Roberta’s Blood Trail – 04

I expected this episode to be full of action. It wasn’t. The action scenes were small and instead this episode was full of dialogue and build-up. And strangely enough it was just as good as I hoped.

Roberta’s Blood Trail shows the strength of OVAs. I mean, it really feels like Black Lagoon has matured even more since the I last watched it. In any case the pacing of this OVA allowed the creators to really take their time: the slow pacing is used quite effectively to give just about everything extra detail. Seriously, this episode was full of people talking about themselves and each other. This really feels like one of those arcs that would not have worked at all as a TV-series, and therefore it fits the OVA format perfectly.

What’s also very typical here is that the creators pretty much put Revy out of the picture for the climax here: with both of her arms shot she won’t be part of the big climax of this OVA. At first I really thought that Roberta’s Blood Trail would be much in the same alley as the first Roberta arc, which was very much hinted by the first episode. Instead the ending seems to be turning out much deeper than expected, with everything depending on whether or not Rock’s huge gamble turns out well. It goes without saying that if the creators play it right they can reach an amazing conclusion with that.
OVA Episode Rating: 8,5/10

6 thoughts on “OVA Impressions: Black Lagoon – Roberta’s Blood Trail – 04

  1. Just finished watching it.

    Not bad, it’s a major anime original plot change to make it fit into 4 ovas.

    I won’t say the new plot it’s bad, it’s pretty good. I just liked the manga alot better. There is actual closure in the ending in manga, as opposed to here where everyone just went their separate ways. I do recommend you read the story arc sometime in the manga. You will love it.

  2. Seems I really have to check this out once I can sort out the sound playback issue I have on my WD-Live.

  3. Looks like I was spot on about the Church being an Agency front and pulling the strings of Chang. Their running the whole city for intelligence gathering, weapons smuggling and possibly raising funding for black ops (Iran Contra style). Rock was smart to figure out that the city is too loud and public and shouldnt exist and the fact it does means it has government backing.

    TBH Im still not sure why the Captain resisted the temptation to attack the Marines, sure she has a grudge with Chang and considers herself walking dead but was the child rescue and discharge for doing the right thing, but being caught doing it really such a key part of her psyche? I guess I feel cheated that theyve held that back so long.

    Im also unsure how does Roberta presence provide an opportunity for the Spetznaz to make a move on Chang such that Rock persuaded the Agency to get her out of town?

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