Supernatural The Animation – 08

The acting in Supernatural isn’t the best, so in each episode it’s going to have to balance this out with its storytelling. This episode was an example of how to do this right. The build-up made what could have been a cheesy story a very haunting one.

This IS really one of those examples of how cliches can be done right if the execution is good enough (resurrecting your dead wife is a staple in science fiction), but the way in which this episode started slowly, but subtly built up everything it needed, it really paid off in the end when it put each of the pieces of the puzzle in its place. It also helped that this episode wasn’t just waiting on one major twist, but instead had the climax consist out of many small twists that together made the whole picture. The way in which this was done was much more subtle than usual, even though the acting was the same as it had always been.

So far, this series understands what makes a good episodic series: strong individual episodes, plus using its cases to build up its setting and main plotline. It does the latter by slipping in a bunch reference to either their father, mother or Jessica in at least every episode.In any case it’s a good start.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

3 thoughts on “Supernatural The Animation – 08

  1. I haven’t actually watched supernatural yet, but by acting, do you mean the actual voice acting it self, or a combination of the voice acting and the stiff character designs/animations?

  2. The latter, yeah. The voice acting standalone is pretty good, but at times the drawing and animation have issues to correctly potray them.

  3. et another tv show episode ruined by this anime.

    The original Immortal Doctor was creepy and nice reinforcement of series theme of defying death and what it does to a person. Death and people dealing with it and how it changes them was an immortal message. THe original Immortal Doctor became monster with less than an ounce of humanity, by trying to prolong his own life.

    This was…weak and cheesy(this becomes the keyword for anime-original episodes of this show.) love story. Yes, love is important, conquers all and what a sad love story blah blah blah.

    And yes, lets beat the viewers heads that Meg is important and will be back, yay….god damnit…

    And from previews it seems they are turning a rabbits foot episode(one of THE best episodes of tv show) into some stupid japanese legend……

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