Ousama Ranking 10 – [Prince’s Sword]

We finally get to see our Bojji in action!  This week features a bar fight, a scam, and some very understandable suspicions.  Let’s go!

Ousama Ranking is doing a fantastic job of slow playing the plot.  For every revelation, another question is added.  It’s not overt cliffhangers, but it’s the little mysteries that keep us viewers engaged.  This week’s additions include what the 3 rules of swordsmanship are and what is Bojji’s secret power (that he’s not going to show anyone for a while)?!  Well played, Ousama Ranking. 

One other little thing I’ve noticed is while Bojji can’t really taste anything, he’s always making sure all his people get enough food.  It’s a small gesture, but he’s done it now when travelling with Domas and again with Despa.  Little details like that really sell how he’s the greatest king (or will be).

I can’t say I’m surprised by Bojji’s fighting style (basically using speed and precision to overcome complete lack of power), but the fake sheath had me dying.  Also.  When Despa met with the fake instigators, I was about to throw a fit – if he had just faked all that just to pretend Bojji had improved…not okay.  Turns out, it was a bit the opposite: Bojji was so strong the guard knew he had no chance before even starting.  See, Despa is how you make a complex character – he has obvious flaws, but his heart of gold isn’t too hard to believe.  I’m just tired of shows having terrible characters and then just accept that when it really counts, they have morals.  Anyways.

The second part with Bojji’s suspicion of Hiling is reasonable…about two episodes ago.  The viewers already know that Hiling is just really awkward and is willing to sacrifice her body to heal him.  I think Shadow’s realization and subsequent confrontation would have played a lot better before we learned about Hiling.  Just a small complaint though, as I think Bojji’s understanding of Hiling’s love helps set up the eventual Bojji vs Bosse confrontation.

As Ousama Ranking’s progressed, the characters and plot have been on point (animation was always great and I’ve come around to the character designs).  I was concerned at the beginning that this would be all dazzle, no substance – I’m glad to be proven wrong.  Especially since this is a two cour, and next season is looking abysmal.   At least I’ll have our little giant to carry me through!

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