Ousama Ranking – 04 [First Trip]

Alright, this week’s goal is to generate ZERO controversy with my post.  Just a nice, simple post saying how great this episode was, how I love the show, and how everything is hunky dory….well, that was the plan anyways.  Unfortunately, this week had some issues.  Looks like controversy’s back on the menu!

Two good points this week: world and characters.  This week had a TON of worldbuilding.  To start with – clarification on the all-important Ranking of the Kings.  I had thought it was a tournament or something….it kind of seems like a magazine feature with a spooky divine prize.  Alright, a bit odd, but we’ll go with it.  There are a ton of locations in this episode, from the nice hamlet to hell’s gates to a spooky basement in the castle.  Say what you want, but Ousama Ranking has a fantastic world, and judging from some of the oddities in it (like the wild animal vacuum clearner), there’s plenty of depth there.

Ousama Ranking

Characters were solid this week.  There’s a great moment where Domas and Bojji finally communicate after Domas’ many efforts…that’s the kind of small victory we’re looking for.  The eccentric hunter (king?  he has a crown) was a trip, but the dance was hilarious.  Hokuro (I had to look up his name) and Daida got their moments to flesh out their motivations.  I suspect Shadow is the guardian angel (although Domas blames BeBin…who I don’t think is dead, by the way) – whoever the guardian angel is, they were certainly emphasized well (a character absentia is one of my favorite literary devices, so props there).

Now….this episode was dense.  There was probably 2-3 episodes worth of material here all crammed in.  The first three episodes had a nice leisurely pace, but, oh boy, did we run through material on this one.  I think the execution was done as well as could be expected, but some of the more emotional scenes lacked adequate punch due to the compressed timetable.  For example, Domas’ betrayal – it was pretty clear who it was going to be (“Would you follow orders?”), but let’s have a bit more inner conflict over it instead of a maniacal laugh and a flashback to a scene we saw 5 minutes ago. 

Ousama Ranking

Finally, there was just a lot of WTF this episode.  I think maybe one WTF moment every episode or so is adequate – I had about four in this one alone.  No idea what the divine treasure that makes you go insane is – why is that here now?  Is that important?  Second, the crazy hunter (king?) was….just a complete trip out of left field.  There was no warning, no follow-up, no justification.  I mean, Bojji got yelled at for losing his bag, but some crazy dude takes him on the top of a mountain to dance and no one bats an eye?  Uh, sure.  And finally, Daida’s dream and Pandora’s box?!  Where did that come from, and what does that have to do with anything?  It just feels so out of place in an episode about a journey and a betrayal – it takes all the force out of Domas’ dastardly deed.  Start the next episode with that sequence – that would have been great.  There was plenty of space to flesh this episode out (even still shots of walking would have been fine).  I don’t see what the rush is, and I think it hurt the story here.

I’d love to say this episode righted the ship and cemented this show’s place in the season for me.  Sadly, I’m still left with big question marks.  I think I’m getting over the character designs (although the profile shot of Daida’s nose bothered me), but narration issues are starting to crop up.  There are still wonderful moments – Bojji’s pantomime of how he fell into the trap was glorious.  Still, no cohesive story has emerged, and that’s concerning at this stage when all the introductions should be wrapping up.  As we come into the middle section of the season, I don’t have a sense of where this is all going, so while I’m still onboard…I’m not feeling great.  How to fix it?  Give us a great underworld sequence and some powering up of Bojji and I’ll be back on the hype train!     


4 thoughts on “Ousama Ranking – 04 [First Trip]

  1. This episode we learn that the top ranking king gets to pick treasure from the divine vault, and that they all choose the same item and go mad. It’s heavily implied that this dancing king is one of those who went mad. I’d be willing to bet that the Pandora’s box seen in the dream is also connected to the treasure. Wherever this show ends up going, it’s never boring to watch. There’s heaps of style and plenty of heart here.

  2. I don’t know if you’re right (since I don’t want to spoil myself), but that’s a pretty large jump – we meet a random guy in the forest and he’s someone who won the all important King’s Ranking?
    Was he really mad or just extremely into hunting cycle of life and death?

    I have no doubt Pandora’s box is connected, but why is it appearing to someone who is like 90th or so on the ranking? There are just a lot of coincidences and plot holes.

    I do appreciate that we’re seeing more unique anime. Even if they don’t pan out (Sonny Boy last season), I like that they’re shooting their shot.

  3. You nailed it, Amunchet. This episode really felt like an “Oh shit, we’re 1/3 through the season and 1/100 through the story! Quick, cram as much as you can into this one” episode.

    Luckily, neither Urobuchi nor G.R.R. Martin is writing, so we can count on plot armor to see Bojji again.

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