Ooedo Rocket – 22

Now THAT was an awesome episode! I thought that the previous episode could very hardly be toped, but I think the creators actually did it! It’s almost like everything about this episode is perfect: both Genzo and Tetsuju get a minute to be as hilarious as usual, Sora and Seikichi weren’t the focus of the episode, but they were incredibly fun to watch, the windows and Youtube-parodies were utterly brilliant, the love potion was hilarious and most of all: Shunpei and Onui were so awesome together! Basically, the main plot is about Shunpei, accidentally using another one of Hiraga’s inventions: a love potion. Any woman who sees him, falls in love with him. This leads to hilarious results, as O-Ise calling him “Onii-chan”, Tenten trying to dress him up into various outfits, and Kagiya, trying to woo him with a pair of trousers. ^^; This, however, was just a way to develop his relation with Onui, since she’s the only one who isn’t affected by the potion, being a dog and all. Even Sora falls for it in the end. I like how this anime already assumes that the viewer has understood that Onui is a dog. Anyway, we also finally get to see the reason why she turned into a human: she used to often play with Shunpei, hence her crush on him. To make things even better, it seemed that Shunpei had already figured out that that dog and Onui were the same person. I just wonder… why the heck did Tetsuju recognize Onui when she was in her dog-form, trying to save Shumpei from his fate? And regarding the main plot, Genzo discovers that the building-time of the rocket might take a bit longer than expected, and that at this rate, it’ll only get finished when Seikichi and Sora have become way too old. For that, Hiraga assembles an army of cats to help them. In the meantime, there is still no sign of Akai anywhere, so I’m really wondering what that guy has been up to. I wish that episodes like these could continue forever, but I’m afraid that the plot is about to kick in again. I really wonder what the creators have in mind for the climax, as they must want to try and surpass the climax in episode 20. The best thing would be to not lse the humour in the process. There haven’t been many comedies with a good ending, and even though Ooedo Rocket spent more time than average on its plot-development, the fact still remains that it’s much more fun to see the characters just interacting. Oh, and about the download link for this episode: it’ll come up soon, but Megaupload is currently being a bitch and refuses to upload it.]]>

0 thoughts on “Ooedo Rocket – 22

  1. Saiyaman finally came through and posted torrents for the recent OER episodes including this one. Never-the-less, thanks again for posting 19-21 yourself!!!
    BTW – O-Ise was calling Shunpei her “Ototo” (little brother), which is yet another reference to the fact that seiyus for O-Ise and Shunpei were the seiyus for Ed and Al in Full Metal Alchemist. Similarly, I’m dead certain that Shunpei climbing into the rocket plane at the top of the tower was a reference to the FMA movie.
    All-in-all, yet another tremendouse episode in this great series!

  2. i’m french I don’t speak english very well
    but can you say me wher did you found the raw of ooedo rocket ?
    thanks !

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