One Punch Man Season 2 – 11 [Everyone’s Dignity]

I don’t understand it JC Staff. You make it so difficult for me to like you and by extension, OPM. I want to of course, every week there are these flashes of brilliance. These moments where I think “they understand. They care. They can do it”. And then in the very same episode, you manage to ruin it, in every aspect of production. This week you managed to impress me in so many ways, and then instantly destroy it a few minutes later. For instance, you manage to add your own spin on some scenes that were basic panels in the manga, like the above. Yet earlier in the same episode, say the tree branches pull of Garou for example, you manage to lessen it. Switching up the camera angle so there is less to animate. Weakening the scene. Long story short. you just leave me confused JC Staff.

As I mentioned before, lets talk animation for a second. Parts were great, like the clip above. JC Staff really upped what was a single tiny panel in the original manga. Really, for the most part the entire fight with Genos was pretty good, with spurts of brilliance in the ongoing fight before it as well. Yet in the very same episode, OPM cut from still, to still, back to the previous still more than once. There is a clear line between where the effort was put in. For some, this may be acceptable, as it does result in some well-made gifs. For me though, it’s just a reminder of what OPM could have been. Visually and in audio.

What I mean by audio is, did anyone else hear Genos’s lazer-tag punches? PEW PEW PEW. Or perhaps the return of the CS:GO gun sound punches from Garou? It really is ridiculous how bad these sound effects are, especially when the OST actually managed to show off this week. Genos’s and Bang’s songs really coming in and pulling their weight near the end. Those were some good tracks! Yet OPM had soured me on it’s audio 5 minute’s in with the terrible sfx work, as per usual. It’s so confusing how this series can alternate so wildly between good/decent to just terrible.

So all in all, how was this weeks episode of OPM? Confusing. So very confusing. There is clear passion behind the project, by at least some members of the team. There are flashes of brilliance as someone does a fantastic job. Whether it be a short sequence, inspired reinvention of a scene, or what have you. Yet right next to that you have scenes that look like they were left on the factory room floor. Unfinished, uninspired, direct lifts from a far better product. With 1 episode left, 1 big closing sequence, I honestly have no idea how it’s going to end. It could be a great ending, if they do it justice. But it could also capstone this entire disappointing journey with a sub-par finale that, really, should be bigger than Boros from S1. I suppose we will have to wait to find out.



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