THIS is what I’ve been waiting for! The website lists the date of July 16, while Moonphase talks about autumn, but IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Arusu The Adventure, the OVA-sequel of Mahou Shoujotai has now gotten an official airdate! Okay, I may be the only person who enjoys this news, but I’m really getting pumped now! Studio 4C: show your magic! (yes, I know this probably is one of my most random posts, but I just had to make it ^^;)]]>

0 thoughts on “OMG!

  1. LOL! Good going for the random post! I haven’t checked the series out yet but you seem a little too excited right now. *waits for you to calm down* xD

  2. 🙂 I watched the series and loved it….didn’t know they were making an OVA for it…will definitely check it out….

  3. A fellow Studio 4C fan! I didn’t know about the OVA; guess that means I have to finish watching the TV series now. :3
    By the way, I also wanted to let you know that I was linking to your blog and ask you if you could possibly, maybe link back to mine…? (I didn’t see any contact info or I wouldn’t have cluttered a comment with this. Sorry!)

  4. Kite: well, basically Mahou Shoujotai is my most favourite show ever. Obviously, I’d be excited with a sequel. ^^;
    Haruda: sure, added you. And I really recommend you to check out the final episodes, as they just continue to get better and better. 🙂

  5. Yay! Mahou Shoujotai is such a beautifully realized show.
    Now, if only the original series would get licensed….

  6. Nice … although I have yet to watch the show. Will look forward to it. Thanks.
    Btw, I am going to link to your blog if you don’t mind. If there’s any concern, feel free to drop by. :). Thanks.

  7. I avoided watching this show because of the low score it got at another website, but thanks to your description, I give it a shot. It’s really amazing so far 😀 I’m only on episode 4 but it really is great. I love the pacing and the visuals.

  8. I was going through my anime and saw the show again. It got me wondering if a sequel would come up and so I saw your post. I can’t wait to see the sequel. When I first finished watching mahou shoujutai, it gave me a feeling of uneasiness because it ended so soon, but this news make me joyful once more.
    Alright, that may have sounded a bit cheesie, reading it back, but I just can’t wait to watch the sequel.
    I tried looking for it on bit torrent, but no luck. anyone know where I can watch this or if it has been already released?
    ma, soredake da. gomen kudasai, soshite mata ne! 🙂

  9. I recenty got to watch all of Mahou Shoujotai on the recommendation from your blog and I have to say it’s a great series. The whimsical character designs remind me a lot of Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas if not in style then in spirit, and the story and pacing are tightly packed in those 8+ minutes for each episode. The animation is really unique and kind of reminds me of Noein too. The trailer for the OVA looks amazing and something I really look forward to if ever it becomes available. The series certainly left me wanting more.

  10. Your not the only one,I too love the series and the OVA.So much so,I put my money where my mouth is and bought all 3 dvd’s + artbox and pre ordered the OVA @ Rightstuf.
    I hope others follow suit,and decide to support 4c,and MB.

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