Now and Then, Here and There – 13 [Now and Then, Here and There]- Throwback Thursday

This is it everyone, we have made it to the end of Now and Then, Here and There. It’s been a wild ride, a tragic one to. Without further ado though I present to you, the final episode on this season of Throwback Thursday. And remember to vote on the next one in the poll at the end of this post! wink wink.

So yeah… the finale. I have to say that I was surprised. Now and Then ended on a much more hopeful note than I was expecting. I figured that it would go for the “Scare you straight” kind of ending. One where literally everyone dies and there is no happy ending. The kind that makes it painfully clear what happens if we make it this far down the path. Instead though what we got was much more bittersweet and hopeful. People still died, and we will talk about all of that, but it was mostly the old guard. The ones who were either complicit in the system or to deep in to be pulled back out again. Leaving all those looking for peace alive to build a future, for the most part. A sort of “It worked out in the end”, even with all the tragedy.

In some ways it was a bit more sudden than I was expecting, but for the most part it works. Now lets talk details!

Lets get the ugly out of the way first: What happens when Sara, a baby and a fascist-maybe-rapist walk into a bar? I don’t know either, but now you know where I’m going. This was the small return of my only major gripe with Now and Then, it’s abortion politics. Sara and the baby is the obvious one here, as I made my distaste there known before. It’s a pro-life message, I don’t like it, whatever. The second one is new and concerning though. Now and Then is clearly trying to say that both good people can exist on either side, that Hellywood soldiers aren’t pure evil. And that’s fine! But I need to know: Was this guy one of Sara’s rapists? Because making a rapist a “Good” person is very different and a lot more concerning. There’s arguments to be made either way, but personally? I hope he wasn’t.

Moving on, lets talk about Nabuca and Tabool. I’m middling on this ending, though ultimately I didn’t mind it. I think of them like the final victims of this conflict. Two people from the same environment who were absorbed and abused by this system. Regardless of if they changed or remained unbroken, they were doomed from the beginning. Even Tabool who, in his last episode shot and killed the only tie he had left to his old village, is a victim here. Though not a very sympathetic one, I will admit. These two, to me, are the ultimate representation of what war can do to children who grow up in it. Destroying friendships, twisting minds, turning brother against brother, and ultimately killing them both before their time. In that sense their ending works, even if does come a bit out of left field as far as episode pacing is concerned.

Next up, lets talk about Hamdo and Abelia! This is the ending that I am perhaps the most negative about. You see, Hamdo never really moved beyond the roll of a megalomaniacal madman. And thats a shame! In a show so full of nuance and commentary regarding its themes, Hamdo remained a simple paranoid tyrant. It tried to give him some depth via the comparison with Elamba, but even in his final moments he never moved on past pitiful warmonger. I suppose that might have been the point though? Now and Then certainly holds no love for him so it would make sense to portray him negatively, without sympathy, unto the very end. It’s a bit of a waste for Abelia though because of how tightly bound her character is to his. I Just think more could have been done here, with just motivations (love) for unjust actions. A shame.

Finally this brings me to Shu and Lala Ru giving her to life to restore water to the planet. This one was… interesting? On Lala Ru’s side I just have a lot of questions. Questions like: Why not just do this at the start? She clearly didn’t enjoy her existence, and she was well aware of the conflict she brought to the world. Maybe it’s because bringing water back to the world while Hamdo still existed would only enable him? I’m really not sure. As a visual motif ala water, abundance and future possibilities I think it works. I just haven’t quite figured out the symbolism behind it. I’m hopeful that the more I think about it as I prep for the final review, the more it will make sense to me. But right now I’m just sort of like… “That happened, and it looked pretty I guess”.

As for Shu, well, the time travel is back? That’s really my only issue with Shu’s ending. I’ve suspected for awhile that the opening sprawl about “10 billion years” was time travel, and Hamdo’s mention of “years” confirms it. But this device was really only relevant for the first and last episodes, never being mentioned or used anywhere between those. You would think such an important device, one so pivotal to the plot, would be more important. But it really just exists to get Shu into the plot and then return him home once it’s done. And I think that’s a shame. Don’t get me wrong, Shu going home with these lessons of the future and resolving to pick up his backpack but leave his training sword is some nice symbolism and bookending. That was cool. I just can’t help but think there was a better way to do this.

So yeah, all in all I’m positive on the ending for Now and Then, Here and There. It has some bumps, it’s not as clean an ending as I was hoping for. But it definitely tied up most of the relevant loose ends and gave every, important, character some kind of ending. Definitely worth the watch, even if it’s not my favorite thing I’ve seen for the series.

That does, of course, bring me to the poll though! That’s right it’s time to decide the next series for Throwback Thursday. I’ll announce the results of the poll next week when the final review goes live and then I will have a 1 week break before I start the next series. That means Throwback Thursday will resume on June 3rd, which kind of sucks for me because I will be on a business trip the week of June 13th. Maybe I’ll be able to prepare a post ahead of time, no idea, I’ll figure it out. For now I have to get started on that review. See you then!

4 thoughts on “Now and Then, Here and There – 13 [Now and Then, Here and There]- Throwback Thursday

  1. You know a show has set the bar low in terms of expectations for a happy ending when its described as a hopeful ending despite Lalaru, Nabuca, Boo, Tabool, Soon and Sis all dying within the last 2 episodes (Hamdo died too, but that’s something for all of us to be happy about). And many of them in absolutely brutal ways (principally how many of these kids dying were killed by other kids). Although overall, yeah, this is about as hopeful of an ending as we could have hoped for with this show given how things have gone to this point. I feel that very few anime go as dark as this show does, but many have at least gone more dark in regards to the final fate of the protagonist. Shu makes it out alive, with no life altering injuries and that hopeful attitude of his, which if anything was a detriment at times (episode 11 in particular) doesn’t get completely broken when most who went through what he did would have been broken.

    I’m pretty sure the Hellywood soldier that helped Sara was not one of her rapists, but will admit I only went back and rewatched one of these episodes during your coverage of it (11) so I could be misremembering. He definitely wasn’t one of the rapists shown onscreen, but my take away from the show was that she was raped more times than simply what they showed us.

    I’ll hold off on any overall thoughts until your post next week.

    I strongly endorse Wolf’s Rain for the next show, one of my top 10 anime of all time. Although it and Angel’s Egg are the only things on your list of options I’ve actually seen. Perhaps an opportunity for me to try something new and follow along if something else gets chosen.

    1. You know a show has set the bar low in terms of expectations for a happy ending when its described as a hopeful ending despite Lalaru, Nabuca, Boo, Tabool, Soon and Sis all dying within the last 2 episodes (Hamdo died too, but that’s something for all of us to be happy about). And many of them in absolutely brutal ways (principally how many of these kids dying were killed by other kids).

      Absolutely! I don’t mean to downplay how tragic everything is, a lot of people died. But it was still less people than I expected to die, if that makes sense. I was fully prepared for Hamdo to win and everyone to go the way of the Dodo. So Shu actually making it home was a surprise for me.

      I’m pretty sure the Hellywood soldier that helped Sara was not one of her rapists, but will admit I only went back and rewatched one of these episodes during your coverage of it (11) so I could be misremembering. He definitely wasn’t one of the rapists shown onscreen, but my take away from the show was that she was raped more times than simply what they showed us.

      Totally. I figured she got raped more times than was shown, I was just afraid that this guy in particular was one of them. Portraying that good and bad people exist on both sides is totally fine, and it helps sell the message about how war and tyrants split us up and make us fight each other. But doing it with an outted rapist is uh… not cool. So for my own mental health, and my opinion of the series, I’m going to assume he was NOT one of her rapists and just another victim of the system.

      I strongly endorse Wolf’s Rain for the next show, one of my top 10 anime of all time. Although it and Angel’s Egg are the only things on your list of options I’ve actually seen. Perhaps an opportunity for me to try something new and follow along if something else gets chosen.

      The fun part about this is that I haven’t seen any of the shows suggested there. Its why I still do this segment, it lets me see a bunch of stuff I otherwise wouldn’t checkout.

      1. Why are the quotes so big. Markup why did you do this to me.

        Guess thats something Ill have to fix regarding our CSS

      2. If you end up watching NHK get ready for more misery and tragedy. Thought at the very least NHK has some comedy mixed into it

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