Nijuu Mensou no Musume – 09

Aah! And things went so well for this series! What the heck were the creators thinking at that fight-scene?! Suspense of disbelief is very important for this series, because it’s dealing with the topic of a child prodigy, which is very easy to overglorify in anime. In this episode, Chiko and her new friend have to fight against two grunts that are after Nijuu Mensou’s treasure map for God knows what reason. The way the first one goes down is already hard to believe: one judo-throw by someone who has just been practicing Judo for a year (which reminds me, has Chiko been continuing her judo-training ever since she got back?) will not knock out someone for hours. It’ll startle them a bit at most, especially considering how he was a full grown guy.

Still, that could have all been ignored if not for the blatantly insulting way that the second one went down: he takes Chiko’s friend hostage, so Chiko uses a hand mirror to blind his eyes. If that wasn’t enough, Chiko suddenly is also able to deal out powerful kicks from nowhere. Still, that also would have been sort-of acceptable, if the guy wasn’t stopped in his tracks by some toys that Chiko’s friend threw at him. He even got knocked unconscious because he simply slipped. No amount of explanation is going to set that one right…

I’m going to see this one as a bad day for the creators. Possibly a bad writer was in charge of this one and not the amazing previous three episodes. Thankfully, the parts about Ken made this episode at least a bit worthwhile: we actually see confirmation that Nijuu Mensou is still alive (dressed up as a police-guy), and that he never attempted to contact Chiko. It also took me quite a while to find out that half a year has already passed. I originally thought that Chiko would grew up to like fifteen years old, but it turns out that the major part of her story will take place at the age of only thirteen. I hope that her hormones won’t get in the way of good storytelling.

13 thoughts on “Nijuu Mensou no Musume – 09

  1. maybe I should judo throw you so you can see the power of it. be respectful of martial arts. take a year of judo and you will be surprised at what you can learn. as for the second one, yeah, from what I am reading, that needs an explanation, I agree. high kicks are overrated, everyone seems to think they are the holy grail of martial arts or something. fact: they are slow, unbalances you, makes you wide open to a groin shot(and yes, for girls it would hurt because it would damage the spine), and you can’t do it after forty years of age.

  2. “one judo-throw by someone who has just been practicing Judo for a year…will not knock out someone for hours”
    – you’re quite right. I hope the director won’t drive this show into some fancy hollywood-mystery-wannabe series. Practicality should be the utmost importance right now.

  3. hmm…so I am guessing if I smash your head backside first against the hard pavement, I won’t get a knockout,or at least have you disoriented enough for me to claw at your eyes and break your nose? if I smash it face first, u won’t get a shattered nose, and be disoriented and dizzy?


    Yeah! Nothing says formulaic like Nijuu Mensou no Musume, but if Ken re-enters, I’ll keep watching. Hopefully, Akechi will do something worthwhile as well.

  5. I really enjoy this series. As for Judo? You can be quite surprise at how much you learn in a year especially with you are dedicated and quite a natural at athletics.

    As for the second part about a high? I agree with the guy who first remarked upon it. As for Oji-sama. . .I think he’s not contacting Chiko because he wants her to grow by having her experience stuff herself while he watches and I think he wants her to find him herself and prove to him that she is really his successor.

  6. I agree with the statement above. You rarely see Judo being used outside of practice. So a comment underestimating the power of Judo is a bit reasonable.

    Just like the above comment said. It was on concrete.

  7. Really, to knock someone out for hours (Read: hours) you have to hit him really hard, even on concrete. A simple throw won’t do that – you can even have a car accident or something and not be knocked out. The only thing I can think about where someone has been knocked out for hours was too much alcohol.
    Of course, if someone can prove the opposite, I’m always happy to learn 🙂

  8. True, falling head first onto concrete even at relatively low speeds is more than capable of knocking someone out. Heck I once saw someone knocked unconcious for at least several minutes after tripping over a tennis net, us humans are surprisingly fragile creatures.

  9. Yap… people at this century is unfortunate for unable to see how strong a martial art because it’s only used for gymnastic. A well-trained kick on your face can knock you out.And falling with head first onto a concrete? i think it even can kill someone.

  10. Finally, subs! And FUCK YEAH KEN. Stop emo-ing! Counteract the cliched-ness! Team up with Chiko and make her believably awesome again! Or Akechi! It would be AWESOME!
    I will never forgive him if he becomes a villain and/or dies.

    More importantly, about the judo-kick-knockout. I could believe it if it WAS on concrete, but that was a frickin’ DIRT ROAD. Learn to watch, people.

  11. Ok, this episode was strange and those two wannabe gangsters absolutely unnecessary…
    But well, at least we get another step forward in plot developpement.
    Althoug I didn’t like Ken this time. I really hope, that he won’t be turning against 20-Faces just because of this… that would kill the whole fun with this character! I mean, in almost EVERY series there’s someone abandoned, turning against his once beloved ones and than, finally, after causing a lot of touble and danger this someone realizes that he was wrong… just before he himself dies.
    I definitely don’t want Ken to become one of those annoying characters!
    (although it would be interesting to know, whether 20-Faces knew that Ken was still alive or not..)

    But well… let’s hope for the best.

  12. hey she was with the gang for two years ok?
    she’s been training with them for two years and two years can make a lot of differences to a person’s strength ok?

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