Nijuu Mensou no Musume – 02

Out of all the series that aired this spring-season, Nijuu Mensou no Musume was the series that I had the most doubts of whether it was worth blogging or not, even more than Toshokan Sensou. The first episode was really bad for my suspense of disbelief, and yet it seemed to scream “potential”, unlike the mentioned-above Toshokan Sensou. Thankfully, the second episode was a lot better, so I’ve decided to blog this. I’ve always seemed to end up with 12 series each season as well. It’s a nice number that manages to cover enough different series without being overwhelming for myself.

This episode wasn’t perfect by far. Yet again, I spotted some scenes that didn’t make too much sense:
– Why didn’t the police leave one of their men behind to guard the treasure, in case of a decoy? Were they that stupid? They seemed to have more than enough men for it.
– The creators need to watch a bit more discovery-channel: shooting the tires of a car does NOT make it magically stop. It just makes the ride bumpier and the car needs to go to the repair shop afterwards, but it can just drive further without any problems.
– This is the same question I asked after the first episode: why has nobody who’s against Nijuu Mensou ever gotten the idea of using some kind of flying-device as well? I admit that it’s a pretty neat way to escape ground-forces, but if that zeppelin were to be assaulted by a (say) aeroplane, it’d be screwed. Of course, this is just my guess. Seeing the wit of this episode, I can imagine how Nijuu Menshou has found some tricks against this. It’d be interesting to see that in action, though.

That’s one of the reasons why I decided to blog this: the faults may be faults, but it’s interesting to point them out, much more than in usual series. What’s attracted me the most in this series is the character-development, though. Not only in Chico’s case, but this episode also showed a much more interesting side of Nijuu Mensou. His crew also gained a lot of depth, and came across much more believable. What I’m hoping for now is for this series to actually show the background of this Nijuu Mensou: how did he become so awesome in thievery? Especially since you can nearly hang a sign on his neck, saying: “Hello, I’m about to get killed off”.

7 thoughts on “Nijuu Mensou no Musume – 02

  1. Dude, please, I beg of you : this is adapted from a novel written over 70 years ago by some wapanese Edgar Allan Poe. It’s an oldie, so yes, it’s unrealistic, but hey, this is yesterday’s litterature we’re talking about. 🙂

  2. Windspirit @ Well, the original character was inspired in the Edogawa classical Nijuu Mensou but we are here talking about a adaptation including a “daughter”. So, some aspects could be more realistic. I can accept, however, the poetic side, sometimes a bit exaggerate others kinda of simple. The use of a zeppelin, but I hope them don’t use it a lot.

    Anyway, I’m glad that you took this show to blog. Sure, you can drop anytime, but there is a potential waiting, different from the golgo 13, another classical character but a huge fail to me.

  3. Not necessarily. According to AniDB and ANN, Tarou Hirai wrote the original novel about the guy with the 20 faces. Shinji Ohara then wrote a manga about Chico, his “spiritual successor”, and that got adapted into an anime.

    I can indeed understand how this would be more of a homange, but don’t use age as an exuse of bad plotwriting when there are series as Porfy no Nagai Tabi and Les Miserables around. 😉

  4. Well is not that bad, the second ep was much better and it improve by alot my persepcion of the series, so i will give it some more ep,
    if the level of improvement continues lol. This A to L, and porfy could very well fill my nostagia bill XD.

  5. There is a difference between Porfy or Les Misérables and Nijuu Mensou. Porfy is a “classic” book, while Nijuu Mensou is just a simple book for entertainment : it’s something to enjoy brainlessly, without seeking too much for coherence. The more you can turn your brain at off, the less you’ll be bothered by the incoherences, the more you’ll enjoy it.

  6. “The creators need to watch a bit more discovery-channel: shooting the tires of a car does NOT make it magically stop. It just makes the ride bumpier and the car needs to go to the repair shop afterwards, but it can just drive further without any problems.”

    Have you ever driven a car with a flat tire? It’s bumpy and it’s alot harder to handle. I doubt it’s possible to do a hide speed pursuit with a blown tire. It’s true that the car won’t magically stop, but it’s even worse in hollywood movies. The car would have exploded were it a hollywood flick.

    Why are you complaning about realism in this particular anime? Anime in general isn’t really known for being realistic and I don’t really see why this show would be an exception.

  7. @Aegd: I agree with your point. Anime isn’t known for its realism, and I don’t really like realistic animes at all.

    That said, I think this anime is quite good.

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