Night Head Genesis – 15 – Very Interesting

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Whoa… I can’t help but feel sad for Shouko. Her powers have become so huge that her spirit left her body, forcing her to spend the rest of her life in the state she’s in now. At first, I thought it was quite convenient for her to have such a power, but this is just sad. Very sad.

Anyway, this episode concludes the Mikuriya arc. It was a very good episode, in my opinion. A lot of life-changing themes which can’t be solved that easily passed the screen. I’ve always been a fan of series which introduce these kinds of questions. Mikuriya survived the episode, though I don’t think we’ll see him again, as he’s planning to leave the country. The fact that humans can be able to exceed the 30% of brain capacity appears to have some serious consequences, as Shoko proved.

The other parts of this episode, in which Naoto, Naoya and Mikuriya had to escape the mysterious threesome also were well worth the watch. The creators did a good job in making expecially the beginning very creepy. There also was quite an amount of time put aside in order to show this. Most times, when fights are dragged, it doesn’t mean anything good, though this episode provided a very nice exception, as it gave Mikuriya the opportunity to hold a rather interesting speech. Also, did the threesome really die? Or do they still have a few tricks up their sleeve? And what happened to Naoya at the cliff-hanger?

Night Head Genesis started to become disappointing with the Kariya-arc. Okay, it was nice to see, but a bit too dramatic without much emotions, and it didn’t go anywhere. The Sonezaki-arc made a nice attempt to recover from this, and now the Mikuriya-arc has continued this. I’m glad to see that Night Head Genesis is finally getting good again.

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