Night Head Genesis – 07 – Children’s Grudges

Even though the coincidence is a bit too obvious, I still love the way Night Head Genesis introduces its cases. Every case Naoto and Naoya run into is somehow linked to its previous case. The killer woman was in the pub. The suicides all happened near the place Naoto and Naoya grew up. The culprit behind these suicides happens to be Shouko’s little brother. As so little anime are attempting this, the effect that this gives is great.

In any case, like I said, the culprit was Shouko’s little brother. He seems to have the power of mind control, which he used to kill off the bikers who killed his dog and ran away. Quite a shock for such a little boy. When such a thing happens to ordinary children, they start screaming and yelling. But what if a kid has potentially killing powers? Right. Then things get out of control. Still, it worked perfectly. The boy was so sad in this.

His mother also plays an interesting role in this. She knew about her son’s power, though she just let him do what he wanted. It’s indeed the depth of a mother’s love. Though I wonder why she hasn’t discovered Shouko’s power yet. It may be that because of Shouko’s disappearance, she allowed her son to kill off those students. She was too scared to lose him as well.

The teacher, coach and popular girl also were very nice. The teacher was on good terms with the students. When she realized that she was being used to kill them off, she got cornered. As she couldn’t do anything, I think the least she could do was put their pictures on her altar, as a means of paying them respect. The popular girl actually was in love with Megumi, the first girl who died. She probably kept chasing after the boys because she was scared of being found out. And the coach was uninvolved as well. He was just a horny coach. Nothing more.

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