Mobile Suit Gundam 00 – 37

Short Synopsis: Saji and Louise angst about each other.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 6,5/10 (Lacking)
So, yeah. As the synopsis does suspect: this wasn’t the most exciting episode. I really hoped that Saji and Louise grew up during the past twelve episodes, but they still kept angsting like there was no tomorrow. The concept between the two of them really is fine: two former lovers who end up at opposing sides; it really has potential. If only the two of them weren’t such immature brats. What actually gets me the most is the huge amount of airtime that’s spent on the two of them, while the series really has so many better uses for that.

Anyway, what I did like was the one-sidedness of the war against Kataron. These guys really don’t stand a chance against the super-weapons, especially now that their main space fleet has been wiped out. After they’re taken care of, Kataron is going to run out of opponents aside from the celestial beings, so it’s about time that we’re introduced to the final party in this series. With all the references to past Gundam Franchises, I’m almost positive that the creators are also going to use a few Gundam Wing references, where the Roquefeller foundation was simply brought down by inner conflict. We’ve already seen that a lot of the members of A-Laws don’t agree with their extreme measures, so who knows?

It’s also interesting that finally Ribbons is running into something that he didn’t expect. Finally we see more sides of the guy, which is a good thing.

One thought on “Mobile Suit Gundam 00 – 37

  1. You know what i loved most about this ep, wan lu min getting slapped, and put in her place, forget everything else, that was the highlight of the episode, and this is the second time ribbons is running into something he did not know about, the first being 00 itself the second 0-riser

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