Mission-E – 12

Short Synopsis: Mission-E ends as Oz rushes in to prevent the foundation to carry out its plans.
Highlights: Predictable, plot-holes, but overall better than expected.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7/10
And so it has ended. I wasn’t expecting too much of this episode, because there isn’t much you can do with the underdeveloped villains of this series. There was a plot-hole here and there (who would actually buy that random television-broadcast of that foundation-guy? Why was nobody arrested?) and in the end, this was just a typical “Here she comes, to save the daaaaaaaaaay”-ending.

Still, there were quite a few things I did like. Especially the ones who were just watching and didn’t do anything: Kirik, Keiko and Akane, who just watched television and never had anything to do with the action. Especially Keiko, sulking because her Christmas date ran off was very enjoyable. I also really liked that the creators chose to not revive Mils, and instead keep her in the state she is. Yuma’s boyfriend also was a nice little twist, which I appreciated a lot. And finally, the few small references to Code-E also fitted nicely, and gave this series at least a decent closure.

Overall, the past season wasn’t the best for Studio Deen. Ever since Amatsuki ended, they’ve been in the background. Thankfully, they seem to be getting back on track for the fall-season with the start of the third season of Jigoku Shoujo. Mission-E overall was fun, but I still find it strange that it was the result of when the studio’s best directors came together to create a series. I dunno, but you’d expect something a bit more epic and well-written…

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