Minami-Ke Okaeri Review – 80/100

The reason why there aren’t many reviews of pure slice-of-life series on this site isn’t because I dislike the genre, or anything. Instead, when I need to drop series to prevent myself from watching too much at once, these shows also seem to be the ones to go down first. This season I felt in a bit of an experimental mood, though, and I decided to stick with the third season of Minami-Ke, even though I never watched more than one or two episodes from the first two seasons. What I got was a pretty enjoyable series about the lives of a bunch of sisters, living together and their classmates.

While I could go all anal and be like “zomg, it’s nothing but fillers so it sux0rz”, but even though there’s hardly any continuity, and all of the different stories are just random strings of five minutes packed together, it’s in this case perfectly enjoyable to watch the antics of all of the different characters in this series. While it’s not as gut-achingly funny as other comedies, I found that Minami-Ke Okaeri was often able to put a smile on my face.

This is a typical show that never really hits any highs or lows, and instead is just enjoyable to watch and perfect if you’re feeling lazy and have half an hours or so to burn. The Minami-sisters are quite likable, and they’re funny while not trying to be. This review is short because there’s not much else to say about it, but I’m definitely going to check out the first season, which is rumoured to be even better.

Storytelling: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Production-Values: 8/10
Setting: 8/10

6 thoughts on “Minami-Ke Okaeri Review – 80/100

  1. Production values 8/10? You have to be kidding. The animation is notably worse than the two previous seasons and those didn’t look better than average at best either. Just because a series like this doesn’t need stellar animation, doesn’t make it good. This isn’t the first time, I suspect you’re fiddling with the individual values to gain an acceptable average. Seriously, this is nonsense because the individual values can and should have different weights for different genres, personal preferences and maybe even individual series. Of course, that makes numerical comparision pointless eventually but nobody claimed it ever made sense in the first place.

    Heck even setting 8/10 is way off. Average Japanese class-rooms and living rooms are hardly creative or interesting settings.

    That said I can easily agree with your textual review.

  2. I might just marathon all 3 seasons soon,what I like about slice of life is i can just relax and watch a random episode without thinking,but since i’ve watched every episode of the slice of life anime i have on my computer about 10 times,i need something new lol.

  3. In my opinion, my favourite aspects of Minami Ke (mainly the first season) were the male side-characters. Mako, Hisoka and the blond-haired love interest I forget the name of – they were sometimes out-there and mostly enjoyable characters, and they both faded in and out of the spotlight, meaning they didn’t get so tired like a protagonist did. Even the Minami and Kana’s brothers provided some nice diversion from regularity.

    Generally I tire very quickly of SoL series that abuse the ONLY FEMALE CHARACTERS ARE NECESSARY setting, since there’s no real balance or diversity.
    Minami-ke (season one mainly) always stuck out as one of the better Slice of Life series, and Asread’s awful handling of the continuations shows that it wasn’t easy to maintain the quality.

  4. if you havent seen the first season, you must!! XD!! its just wayyy wayy better and the 3rd season is too! the 2nd one was had some ups and downs but it was still pretty enjoyable XD!! The side characters in this anime are great! they’re just so hilarious for instance, Mako and his getup 😉

  5. Yes, watch the first season! It’s one of my favorite comedy series ever. The third season was just okay in my opinion, and the second… I don’t want to talk about it. In fact, I don’t think a second series ever existed…

  6. For 6 nights(11pm-4am) this show(from first to third season) always made me lol(Almost woke up my family members).

    The first season was the best; no complaints on that.

    The second season sucked both in colors and content but I watched it anyway for the laughs. Not to mention it doesn’t really exist story-wise.

    The third season was so-so but is much better than the second one.

    Anyway, for those who haven’t watched this show yet, I recommend watching it from first season up to the third. It’s worth wasting your time on for the laughs.

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