Megalo Box Nomad – 8 [Al principio del fin, la trayectoria del arcoíris dibuja un soportal]

That’s right, I’m late on this weeks Nomad. But you know what? I’m still weeks ahead of some other writers on this site so I think I get some leeway. Burning my fellow authors aside, how about we get started?

The best place to begin is with my feelings on Nomad as a whole right now, because they are conflicted. You see I’m concerned with where Nomad is going. On the surface everything is… fine? The fights are fun and I do like Mac. But it feels like Nomad has lost sight of the themes and messaging of the first half. That it in it’s efforts to raise the stakes it has gotten lost in this larger than life story. Do we really need to be involved with Megalonia again? Does Nomad need another rich tech giant sticking their nose into the story? What do these things contribute to Joe’s journey to become a better person and to reestablish his connections with those he loves? I can see a possible future where all of these fit together. But I can’t help but be disappointed after the stellar first half.

As for the future where it works? Well that all revolves around Mac. Because contrary to what you might believe after that first paragraph, I quite like him! Mac embodies everything that Joe wants to be. He’s a damaged man who has pulled himself back from the brink to care and fight for his family. In this I think Mac embodies all of the themes of the first half and I think if Nomad focuses on him properly then it could recover. But so far it doesn’t seem like Nomad is doing that. Mac is being made out as this opponent Joe has to fight. The little guy, a tragic local hero being used by the Big Tech Corporations for their own ends. It feels to me like Mac is being setup as someone Joe has to save rather than someone Joe will want to become.

Of course the obvious follow is that Sukuma is being setup as a villain. Maybe one more of circumstance than of purpose, but a villain nonetheless. The bio chip, his attitude towards people, his mannerisms, etc. Everything about him comes off as disconnected, entitled. The way he’s excited about the fight without a care for Mac’s health. His carefree attitude towards Mac’s family and about his state of mind. Literally dancing in a penthouse above the city as he plays with people’s lives, you know… small stuff. Now it’s entirely possible that Nomad will play this off as unknowing, that the guy is just out of touch and he needs to “learn”. But while I think making Sukuma a villain is a mistake I think this would be an even worse one. The only character who needs a redemption arc here is Joe. Luckily I don’t think Sukuma’s getting one.

Why is that? Well in case you hadn’t picked up on it that bio chip is bad news. It’s pretty obvious what Nomad is setting up here. “Mac Time” isn’t some special boxing mode. Its a flaw in the chip that’s scrambling Mac’s brain. Maybe not full on mind control since it probably isn’t intentional, at least not yet, but still not good. And from everything we are shown it seems like Sukuma knows about it. From the way he acted towards the family to the conversation with his secretary, I think Sukuma knows and just… doesn’t care. He just wants to push it to market with Mac as their face to make some big money. You know, the usual unscrupulous tech baron angle. And while this makes sense I don’t think its a particularly compelling plot. Not compared to Joe at least.

Still I did get one character bit out of this episode and that was Yuri and Liu. Yuri never seemed that upset with Joe and I think we now know why. He knew the match wasn’t in Joe’s favor, knew what was at stake for him and knew Joe shouldn’t of taken it. And with whats happening to Liu right now, Yuri is getting a taste of what Joe went through then to. That feeling of helplessness, of dragging someone into the boxing world and seeing them get hurt because of it. It’s a slightly different relationship in that Yuri was Liu’s coach, one I hopped Joe would have with Sachio, but it still helps him empathize with Joe. I liked this whole side-thread between the two and it really helps build Yuri with more character than “I want to fight Joe”.

So yeah all in all I would say this episode of Nomad was concerning but had some nice bits. Mac is an engaging character and his fight with Liu looked surprisingly good. Yuri’s concern for Liu and his heart to heart with Joe were compelling and I like what they contribute to the familiar struggle. But Sukuma? Rosco? The whole biochip and Megalonia sides of the story? I can’t bring myself to care. These aren’t what got me invested in Nomad. They aren’t the kinds of themes or characters that we care about. We aren’t watching Nomad for big boxing matches and big stakes. We watch it for Joe, for the kids, for their journey and reconnection. The chance is still there for Nomad to bring it home and do something good. I’m just not as confident in it as I was during the first half.

What about you? This episode shake your faith a bit or am I being a negative nancy? Let me know down below and I will see you next week!

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