Marie & Gali Review – 87,5/100

One of the many things I love about writing this blog is being able to promote those unknown gems that most people haven’t heard of. Whether it’s because of a lack of subs, bad advertisement, a kiddish look or something else that caused only few people to give it a chance. Let me now sing praises over the series that I consider to be the best comedy-series out of all the series that I watched during the past four seasons: Marie and Gali.

From the outside, this looks like a cheesy kids’ show. And you know what? It is. However, it very quickly set itself apart as a one of a kind kids’ show. Episodes are only five minutes long, but every single episode delivers. Every single episode is hilarious. There are absolutely no weak moments. There are no jokes that fall flat. Heck, there are hardly any jokes that even get recycled! Every second of this show just sparkles with creativity.

Basically, this is a series that has been designed to make science fun for kids. And you know what? It more than succeeded. License this series, put a bunch of kids in front of it and they’ll love it. Throughout the series, great names as Galileo Galilei, Marie Curie, Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison, Archimedes, Charles Darwin and a bunch more explain the principles of physics. It parodies them, but it also celebrates the great achievements that these people made in their times. It never takes itself seriously; instead, every moment was dedicated to make the different topics it discusses fun.

But what really set this show above all other comedies for me was its seemingly endless pit of creativity. The examples that the creators use in order to illustrate their points are beyond imaginative. It always has something unexpected in store, and every episode has something original. The entire script just sparkles with tons of nice ideas that the creators stuffed into the scenario. Because of this, I just kept looking forward to this series week after week.

Granted, the characters themselves are nowhere near realistic. They all act incredibly over the top, and often act a bit too much to their character-traits. However, I couldn’t help but love to seeing Marika (the lead character) gradually getting caught up in the frantic pacing of the rest of the characters. This show is incredibly hyperactive, but I truly consider this to be amongst my top 10 of favourite comedy anime that I’ve ever seen.

Storytelling: 9/10 – Every single episode delivers. Consistently hilarious and over the top and always pulls something unexpected.
Characters: 8/10 – Wonderful characters, although a bit too one sided, perhaps.
Production-Values: 8/10 – Everything looks like a visual feast, courtesy of Toei.
Setting: 10/10 – Makes science even more awesome than it already was. Sparkles with creativity.

14 thoughts on “Marie & Gali Review – 87,5/100

  1. I cry a little inside every time I remember this show and how I can’t watch it because NOBODY HAD THE SENSE TO SUB IT! Gah! The episodes I managed to watch were sooooo good…

  2. I’ll add that for someone trying to learn japanese, the short 5 minute episodes, fast pacing, vibrant colors and near constant physical humor make this a treat even if you only understand 2 or 3 words in 10. Someone should make subs for this, but, until they do, you should watch it anyways.

  3. “One of the many things I love about writing this blog is being able to promote those unknown gems that most people haven’t heard of. Whether it’s because of a lack of subs, bad advertisement, a kiddish look or something else that caused only few people to give it a chance”


  4. *sighs* I remember having this on my wish list and being delighted when the subs started coming out, then dejectd when they stalled. I’d love to be able to follow more of this eventually ;_;.
    Hopefully your post may help things to change for the better subs-wise *prays*.

  5. Ah, I wish the subs would come out. I loved the episodes that I could find in english. This is why I love this blog, it always shows me hidden gems. 🙂

  6. this literally hasnt been interacted with in like 14 years but the existence of this series is driving me insane. it feels like a show thatd have a small cult internet following and theres nothing ive found like that. i feel like im in a dream. anyways fun show

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