Mai Otome Review – 63/100

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Mai Otome is the successor of the popular Mai-Hime. It’s not like a sequel, more like a remake in a different setting and with a different plot. The setting is more fantasy-like, and each of the characters got a new outfit, a new personality and a new role to play. Does this also mean that it’ll be as good as Mai-Hime?

Well, it actually doesn’t. The two main characters (Arika and Nina) are just plain and uninteresting characters. Especially Arika was a pain to watch. The first fifteen episodes are mostly just boring scenes with a couple of amusing moments thrown in (the best one being a certain kissing scene). Apart from that, the comedy doesn’t really work, and most of the drama just doesn’t mean anything. Then the sixteenth episode begins, and it is awesome. The awesomeness continues in the seventeenth episode. I could really see the Mai-Hime-influences, and it was great. Especially Mashiro’s struggle. Afterwards, however, the awesomeness completely disappears, and somehow the creators managed to choose the cheesiest plotline of all possible plotlines to continue. They never manage to fix this afterwards.

It’s not like this series can’t be good if it wants to. For example, the first half of the final episode was just great to see, with finally successful comedy thrown in. (then again, that may also be because the main character didn’t appear that much) There are some drama scenes which are totally worth it, and some characters are great. The only problem is that this series just tries too hard in order to be good, which, of course, is never a good thing.

In some cases, the characters managed to get an improvement when compared to Mai-Hime. Haruka, for example, was always fun to see. In most cases, however, the make-overs members of the wonderful cast of Mai-Hime totally ended up wrong. Natsuki, for example, or Mashiro. I haven’t even started about the main characters. These were original characters which somehow reminded me of Mai and Natsuki. At least, on the outside. Their personalities are just boring, like stated above.

The music overall isn’t really special. But, there are one or two tracks that are simply awesome. I can just forever listen to these soprano’s without getting bored. Graphically, the show has some nice effects, but still, it’s nothing special.

Overall, this was a series that wanted to be too much, and kindof failed. Still, it might be a nice watch if you’re bored.

Final Rating: 63/100

0 thoughts on “Mai Otome Review – 63/100

  1. I remember when I first watched this series. I loved Mai Hime, it’s one of the few shows I’ve actually watched multiple times (been awhile now though). When I watched the first couple episodes, I recall thinking “What have they done to such an awesome series?!”

    Watching it a bit further, I realized they essentially did nothing. They sort-of-borrowed a few characters to add as side characters, but it was essentially it’s own story and series. It’s own, fairly mediocre, story and series.

    I agree, it’s not a bad show to pick up if you’re board. Is it worth the time to watch? Yes, at a consideration of minimum wage.

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