Macross Frontier – 16

Short Synopsis: Grace uses Ranka’s abilities as Sheryl gets more and more jealous.
Highlights: Best soundtracks of the series yet.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10
Ah, of course. The reason why Grace went after singers like Ranka and Sheryl was for their deculture-ability, in an attempt to get rid of the Vajra. Apparently, the deculture didn’t work with Sheryl, so she tried Ranka instead, and this episode proved to be a success, as Ranka’s song created a fairly easy victory in a battle against the Vajra.

I must say that the soundtrack for this series is as huge as its animation-budget. This episode introduced even more new songs and tunes, and strangely they felt like they were the best tracks of this show’s OST I’ve heard so far. Especially Ranka’s song with a new instrumental track added to it, it’s amazing what a few different instruments can do to the tone of a song. It finally gave a sort of sci-fi feel that I’ve been missing in this series. But then again, this is just the opinion of a guy who isn’t a fan of j-pop. ^^;

The love-triangles are also getting heated up more than ever. While I find it hard to imagine that Brera would be going after his sister, the guy does create an awful lot of jealousy for Alto, in the same way that Sheryl’s jealousy continues to grow. It’s good to see that they’re both starting to realize that they’d better get serious if they want to prevent from losing.

3 thoughts on “Macross Frontier – 16

  1. i wish you’re right about alto’s jealousy towards brera…

    i am thinking that alto’s jealousy stems more on the fact that brera may be better than he is.

  2. I think Alto-hime rivalry with Brera stems from the fact that the guy was trying to kill him!

    Also, we still do not know if Brera is Rankas brother (although, it seems very likely… They are at least related). Very nive episode, I liked it very much. The change in music actually created a much darker and more serious atmosphere in the anime. I think the producres are trying to show us this is getting serious.

  3. Alto’s issues with Brera are more than just Ranka, even though the romance is a large part of the show it’s not the entire thing people.

    Brera shot at Alto and Luca in episode 7
    Brera shot down Klan in episode 9 and tried to do the same to Alto.
    Brera attacked Alto in episode 13

    It’s sad when some shippers (not saying you psgels) think it’s all about Ranka when that probably makes up the minority of his issues with Brera.

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