Level E – 13

That was an awesome end to an awesome series. The twist had it coming, but it was perfect to close off this show.

This episode did a great job of making the princess more than just about any other romantic interest. I mean, the basis premise for this episode may have been an arranged marriage, but that’s about the only stock plot device that appeared in this past arc. It’s a great idea to have the princess be as cunning as the prince himself, and still make her innocent at the same time. Somewhat.

I also love how in the end, the prince was fooled by bland acting from the two thieves who pretended to be the very helpless-looking brother and princess. That’s the point where he really got caught off-guard.

Overall, If I wasn’t one already, I’m now a really big fan of David Production. Only Dogs was bad, but apart from that, Ristorante Paradiso, Armed Librarians and Level E were all wonderfully creative and enjoyable series. I really like the ambition that these people have to time and time again come with something interesting. Combined with Studio Pierrot they really made for one heck of an interesting comedy.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

20 thoughts on “Level E – 13

  1. That was absolutely brilliant, I loved the episode. I had hoped for an epilogue though. I haven’t enjoyed a good comedy in a very long time, lets hope a second season will come along.

  2. The manga ends at about this point. There is a honeymoon for an epilogue but it’s only worth 1-2 episodes.

  3. Most of the creativity in Level E came from the source material though. I don’t think you can ascribe much to the production studio apart from managing to not ruin it.

  4. While I loved this arc I must say that the anime creators made some errors while adding new stuff this time around. They added Princesses flashback when she told of her youth with Ouji in episode 12, it was something only a true princess would know. Also the whole equation solving titbit there made her intelligence more apparent then it originally was supposed to be. Lastly there were those pictures of young ouji in the cockpit of her vehicle when she listened in on Ouji’s conversation, no one could see her there so should have no need to act, plus only a true princes would be interested in the pictures of the Prince when he was younger. All those things made the final reveal far easier to predict then in the manga.

  5. if not for your positive reviews on Level E, i would have missed out this series. i really enjoy the plot twists. this final episode is a great ending. even up to the last 10 seconds, it is simply a delight to watch.

  6. Now this was a great ending. I don’t know how the show managed to troll me again the same way as it did in the first arc, but props to it for that. Also Craft’s rage is still delightful to watch.

  7. OMG, this was awesome! Great ending that I enjoyed just as much as the very first arc.
    I LOVED how our king of trolling got trolled himself this time! XDD And as we see she planned it from the very moment he landed on earth and even used the same cat as Baka-oUji did…. pure awesomeness, indeed!
    Although I’m afraiud, that with THIS combination, the universe is really doomed sooner or later….

    @troy: I actually didn’t mind that. She could have read the memories of the original princess or might have hacked into the royal computer of the princess. If they had planned it by long hand, then they surely would have done their research and would know about her doing all those equations and stuff. As for he cockpit scene I thought it was to deepen her knowledge of ouji.
    I really thought she was really an impostor… and not the real princess pretending to be an impostor.

  8. It was an amazing ending that kept me guessing all the way and while it wasnt exactly my type of comedy I loved the shows intelligence.

  9. OMG, this was awesome! Great ending that I enjoyed just as much as the very first arc.
    I LOVED how our king of trolling got trolled himself this time! XDD And as we see she planned it from the very moment he landed on earth and even used the same cat as Baka-Ouji did…. pure awesomeness, indeed!
    Although I’m afraiud, that with THIS combination, the universe is really doomed sooner or later….

    @troy: I actually didn’t mind that. She could have read the memories of the original princess or might have hacked into the royal computer of the princess. If they had planned it by long hand, then they surely would have done their research and would know about her doing all those equations and stuff. As for he cockpit scene I thought it was to deepen her knowledge of ouji.
    I really thought she was really an impostor… and not the real princess pretending to be an impostor.

  10. I didn’t really get the post credits scene…so the princess planted the cat from Ep. 1? I don’t remember how that’s important at all.

  11. I really liked how they closed the series with a bang. Not really keen on a second season simply because it ended so well. I don’t want Level-E to get drawn out and lose its luster.

  12. For a simple premise this is one of the better executed anime comidies out there (on par with Seto no Hanayome and Cromartie)

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