Letter Bee – 25

Okay. So I was prepared for a huge cliff-hanger. What I did not expect however, was that Letter Bee’s first season would end with by far its best episode so far. How are we supposed to wait SIX MONTHS for the next episode, after seeing such an amazing episode?

Seriously, all of Lag’s build-up, both from the fillers and the manga-episodes, it just came together wonderfully in those final ten minutes. Most series usually take an episode or three for their mid-way climax. This show did it just in ten minutes, but those minutes did just about everything right. It’s such a short but gripping conclusion, which completely made up for the duller moments of the rest of this series. The attention this series has spent on fleshing out Lag has surely paid off!

As for the Honey Waters Arc, that one too was very heart-warming as it concluded. I especially like how the creators weren’t as conceited in trying to make the rest of the villagers have a change of heart either: these people have a deep seeded hate against the government. Just a few words of love and peace from Lag ain’t going to make them change that easily.

Overall, I’m glad to have blogged this series, as it definitely was an interesting ride, even though its beginning wasn’t exactly impressive. And hey, this show had the best ED of the past winter-season, its characterization of Nichi was excellent, Lag himself also grew into a fine young man, and the potential of the series’ back-story has only grown over the course of the series. Yeah, there are enough things to praise this series for.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

2 thoughts on “Letter Bee – 25

  1. Yeah, this ep was indeed awesome! I especially loved when the scene slowly grew blurry because we were seeing through Lag’s perspective and he was starting to cry. Totally set me off ;_;

  2. I didn’t know there was going to be a second series, so when it ended and came up with the message saying “Continued in Letter Bee Season 2 in Fall 2010” I was like “WHAT!?”.. 6 months is quite a while to wait for more, especially after a huge cliffhanger like that.

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