Last Exile – Ginyoku no Fam – 18

This was pretty much a build-up battle. Nearly the entire episode was dedicated to it, but it was just there to build up to the next episode, and the visuals also weren’t as good as with the major battle scenes in this series.

Probably the most interesting was actually Fam. Yes, I’m surprised to say this too, but for once she could act according to her role: a teenager who is caught up in the middle of a war, and who happens to be a really good pilot. With this, it’s natural to assume that she would try her best to help her side win the war, but this conflicts very much against her previous ideals of not wanting to kill others. Finally the creators actually made her torn a bit between this dilemma, and finally it seems like she is starting to understand the situation she’s in. In the second half she goes back again to trying to disable warships, but that’s completely in-line with her character, and for once she actually fails at doing this.

I might also have to correct something I said earlier. About a month ago, I found out that this series is supposed to have 21 episodes. I thought that that was with the recaps included, but the official website of this series seems to suggest otherwise. If I understood things correctly, then there will be 21 regular episodes, 2 recaps, and one special episode (presumably at the end). This episoe at least makes more sense that way: with three episodes left, this wasn’t the kind of finale buid-up that I’d expect, with the main villains doing… absolutely nothing. With two extra episodes focusing on the side villains like here though, it makes sense.
Rating: * (Good)

7 thoughts on “Last Exile – Ginyoku no Fam – 18

  1. I will have many issues with Last Exile this time, but I would praize Gonzo for such a good comeback. Good job. Hope that they keep it up and don’t let themselves fall to the bottom of the ocean again.

  2. At this point, I’m afraid it may be too little and too late to really try to put Fam back on track. If anything, it feels more odd to have her suddenly realize she’s in a war when she have basically airhead’d her way through most of the conflict already -_-;;

  3. Fam was never an airhead, only ruthlessly single minded, who ignores every other world view, much like the series antagonist.

  4. Was channel hopping and the Day The Earth Stood Still remake was on, the little boy ignores his mother and calls the army to come kill the alien even though it will lead to wiping out all human life and I thought……Thats Fam!

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