Kuragehime – 02

It’s really been a while since we’ve gotten a series that starts off with a chemistry that’s already this dynamic, which is especially great considering we’re only dealing with 11 episodes here. At this point I’m pretty sure of my three favourites of the current autumn season: Letter Bee, Star Driver and Kuragehime.

On top of the comedy, this episode also put a lot of attention to prejudices. It’s great to finally have another series about otaku that doesn’t really try to to celebrate them like most series of this kind do, while sort-of looking past their flaws and downsides. The characters here are secluded, but also completely biased and secluded. The characters here don’t fit the general stereotypes of fujoshi; they’re simply a bunch of eccentrics who live together in a house. That’s not to say that this portrayal is perfect, of course: to me it feels like the creators went a bit too much out of their ways to make these characters out of the ordinary, but it’s definitely better than the alternative.

What matters here is how well the creators managed to breathe life into these characters. It just continues to deliver line after line, without much of a break or weak moment. Especially the emotions of the lead character are a complete roller coaster here, and this energy is part of what makes this show so much fun.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

7 thoughts on “Kuragehime – 02

  1. I watched the first episode and it is my most looked forward to anime this season. It is completely different from the others but still entertaining. I haven’t gotten a chance to watch episode two, but it is good to know that is still going strong.

    I’m glad that someone else agrees too! I haven’t seen all too much about this series (then again only two episodes out and far in between).

  2. I loved the explanation of turning to stone as a defense mechanism against fashionable/stylish people, and the ‘rebooting’ that happens afterwards.

    This show is definitely a winner. 🙂

  3. Aww.. what a cute episode this was!
    I was a little bit afraid that the rest of this series wouldn’t be able to keep what the first episode promised but I really loved this episode.
    Their antics stayed but weren’t exaggerated too much. I like it how nevertheless the humans behind those antics are the central point and I really liked the whole atmosphere in the scenes where they were all together.

  4. I agree that it was nice to have a show that doesn’t try to glorify the otaku, some of the girls came off as downright bitchy and completely close minded, not exactly the people I’d want as friends (and I’m not saying that all otaku are like that, I just like how the anime didn’t try to make any excuses beyond the shallow “pretty people scare us and make us feel inferior” one).
    And I’ve got the same three favorites this season too. Still loving Shiki from the last season and LoLH has grown on me but Star Driver, Letter Bee and now this are the three new ones I really look forward to each week.

  5. Hey, any idea why it didn’t come out last week? Does it show every fortnight? Sorry, if this question has already been answered in a previous article… but, can anyone let me know?

  6. Lia: noitamina was on a hiatus last week due to some special from Fuji TV or something. Either way, the timeslot was already taken so everything was a week delayed.

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