Kemonozume Review – 81/100

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Kemonozume is an adult-themed love story with a little dose of action. It’s set in a world in which humans are plagued by creatures known as flesh eaters, human-like beings who can change into monsters and eat anything they see that moves. It follows one of the strongest hunters of these flesh eaters, who falls in love with one of them. The two of them elope, and leave their surroundings to deal with the consequences.

The first thing that strikes the eye when watching this anime is the art. It definitely sets itself apart from all other anime due to the extremely messy art, both character as background. Getting used to this art may take a while, but it fits the mood of this anime perfectly. Especially in combination with the weird themes which come across the screen, you can really say that this anime has a unique style.

Kemonozume start with two introduction-episodes. In my opinion, the first episode starts off well, though episode two was the worst episode of this series. It’s a bit too formulaic and standard. But afterwards, Kemonozume really sets off with a set of very interesting, but in theme very different episodes. One episode can be a very funny comedy-episode while the next you see a naked guy, tied up on a chair with a paper bag over his head, or a normal slice-of-life episode featuring an old couple or an episode dedicated to the history of our characters’ parents. Then, at around episode 9, the climax starts forming with a couple of very dramatic scenes. And with dramatic, I really mean dramatic, a bit too dramatic perhaps. The ending itself was pretty decent. Very strange, but pretty decent.

Also, like I said, this is a show with adult-themes. Bodies get cut in half, arms get ripped off, lots of naked men, women and sex scenes pass the screen, so I’d keep this away from your little brother or sister. Overall, Kemonozume was a very nice watch. It kept a good balance between drama and comedy, but I felt that the great climax in the final episodes tried a bit too hard, therefore losing its effect.

0 thoughts on “Kemonozume Review – 81/100

  1. I loved this series! It was beautiful and incorporated many different genres. Also, the art was not the stereotypical anime style; it was beautiful and natural.

  2. Haha, just finished this series and I really found the majority of the last episode to be hilarious including the very last minute. The outcome was pretty cheesy though

  3. It was a piece of crap. The first 5 or so episodes were great and I thought man this will be epic. Then they fucked up. Too chaotic just for the sake of it. Stupid plot (from ep5 on) and stupid stupid ending.

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