Kaze no Shoujo Emily – 26

Yup, the dramatic climax of the series was with the previous episode. This episode closes off her story, with the final important events of her childhood: a small accident of Elizabeth, her first book and of course her marriage with Teddy, which formed the highlight of this episode. While it wasn’t as downright awesome as the previous episode, and while other series have had endings that felt better than this one, it still was satisfying enough as an end. And Lorna (or however you spell her name) also deserves credit in this episode. I remember noting how she should get some more development, right before Emily went to Ruth to study, and that’s exactly what she got. It seems that the two of them haven’t been interacting too much ever since Emily came back, but with Emly’s new book, the rivalry between the two of them finally disappeared. They looked so awesome during Emily’s wedding. Even though things looked pretty hopeless only a few episodes ago, I must say that this episode shows yet another side of this: if people say goodbye to each other, it doesn’t mean goodbye forever. Ah well, it’s finally time to say goodbye to this wonderful series. Let’s just hope that a generous person with enough Japanese skills will come one day and sub this series, beyond the first two episodes. I know it’s false hope (Sasami Mahou shoujo Club still didn’t get any subs at all, despite its gripping middle part), but seriously, this Kaze no Shoujo Emily is too awesome to be neglected.]]>

0 thoughts on “Kaze no Shoujo Emily – 26

  1. Digitalpanic wrote in their forum that they would continue subbing Emily. But I think that it will take a long time as they want to sub some episodes of their other series first. Don’t lose your hope! 🙂

  2. “and of course her marriage with Perry”
    Woah she marries Perry?! That would be one heck of a twist right there ;P Of course I’m only kidding, heheh… Anyway I have yet to see the final episode, (only seen screenshots on Futaba.) Usually I just wait for the episodes to be uploaded on Daum — as I do with many shows — but since this is the finale, I’ll make this extra special by downloading the raw off Share.
    Love the series as well 😀

  3. @pKjd: What are “Futaba” and “Daum”? Web pages? Where can I find them? Sorry for the stupid question. 😉
    @ psgels: There exist even German fans! 😛 I’m one of them. (I really hope that DigitalPanic will be able to sub this series in the course of the next year or so…)

  4. Emily looks beautiful in that wedding dress!
    I’m getting enthusiastic over this series again, now that it’s finished!
    thanks for your amazing reviews!

  5. The book is much more complicated but it still ends in the same way. If you liked the manga you should read the trilogy: Emily of the New Moon.

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