Kamisama Hajimemashita – 12

Um, Kamisama Hajimemashita, you’re ending next week. Don’t you think that with this episode, you’re heading to a rather flimsy climax? I mean I dunno, but this just screams “crap, we’ve run out of time! Quick, throw in some really powerful monster and have the main couple split up!”

I guess it had it coming, but the style of this episode definitely was different from usual. The jokes were ess sharp and the plot took this turn that just screams that the script was rushed. The final episode had better be very good to make up for this, because it’s an episode that I’ve seen so many times before.

A few of the things that did manage to set this episode apart: Nanami’s feelings of being useful. Okay, they came totally out of nowhere, but heck. They give her character. This just is not fitted for the final climax of the story. Problem is that this is the thing that I’ll remember this show by, so I really hope that the creators can still make something out of this. Please…
Rating: 3.5/8 (Enjoyable)

17 thoughts on “Kamisama Hajimemashita – 12

  1. Rushed? How? It was perfectly well done. Sure, so far it’s the usual case of “we need some cheap conflict to resolve in the finale” but that doesn’t mean it’s rushed.

    And as for the jokes, the visual gags, especially Mizuki with his flute, were just as sharp as ever.

    1. It was a *bit* rushed, in the sense that a sudden catastrophy comes from no-where (which btw, the miasma, and the magic (cursed? whatever) box getting unsealed are not part of the manga). But I think psgels was too self conscious about it being the penultimate episode, because it really wasn’t that bad otherwise.

      1. But the miasma didn’t come from nowhere, it was Otohiko testing Nanami, not for the first time. Maybe it wasn’t in the manga but it made sense in the context of the anime.

        I don’t think there was anything rushed, Nanami wasn’t out of character, I have no idea why psgels thought the episode was any worse than the ones before it. :/ Maybe he expected something else, but that’s not exactly the anime’s fault, is it.

        1. Yeah, but, psgels (and other people) like their endings to use things that are built up through-out the series.

          As I said, if it was any episode it would be fine, but as a penultimate episode it looks like an attempt to raise the stakes to make the finale more dramatic. Which is kind of what they did actually. The way Otohiko tests nanami is the manga is more subtle.

          Either way, personally, I saw the episode without knowing it was the penultimate ep, and thought it was fine.

  2. Given that theres not much time left of this show I think it would be better spent adapting the events in volume 11 of the manga, that is more on Nanami’s background.

  3. I don’t think they’re going for a really great climax. It’s because the shrine festival isn’t the main climax of the whole story. I think they are going for an open ending. The miasma might get resolved. The monster might get vanquished, but what they’ll be trying to accomplish is Nanami “starting the being a god thing.” From the start they couldn’t cover the romance in 13 eps; that encompasses all 90 chapters of the manga.
    And no, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun is not a better show. It’s messier than KH and tries to get deep—it’s forcefeeding. I read the manga of that too, and while I enjoyed it sometimes, I could I’d read many more manga that has a better and neater storyline.

    1. Oh and this shrine festival arc just makes them cover up to chapter 30, so eliminating chap 79& 50(ep10) and chap 37&38(ep 11), there’s about 50+ chaps left to adapt. They should make a second season…

      1. So roughly around chapter 40 or 41 I should probably pick up the manga at then when the anime leaves off? Thanks witchy.

        1. I’d recommend just reading the whole thing. It’s skipping around a bit and leaving out some really fun arcs.

  4. In the end, it was not a very good show. Looking back my favorite episode was when Mizuki goes to Tokyo. -_-

    I WAS hoping that the show would end with her completing her reverse-harem as a contrast to the common harem genre, but it looks like that will not happen either…

    1. I disagree completely. This was a MUCH better show than I originally expected and had great main characters. I say it was one of the surprises of the season.

      I honestly only started liking Mizuki recently.

  5. It really bugs me when people base a series off its ending. Yes I understand that is an important part, but that is not everything. Here is an example for me. Soul Eater has probably one of the worst endings I’ve seen (imo) and yet I still love the show because everything else was awesome.

    I truly hope psgels that you will remember this show for more than just the ending since it more than deserves that.

  6. For me this episode felt rather rushed, i don’t know if it was because I was conscious it was ending.

    However I absolutely loved the running gag of Mizuki with the flute, I laughed each time they showed him!

    I’ve really warmed to Mizuki in the past few episodes.

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