Kami-Sama no Memo-Chou – 11

Oh, thank god! After No.6 and Kamisama Dolls suddenly took a turn for the worst, I’m really glad that this series continued its consistent run. With this, it stands above both these shows, as even though there is a ton of wasted potential here, it actually looks to close off really solidly.

This episode was solid build-up, but what struck me in particular is how the main cast grew even closer to each other. What happened to Ayaka was perfect for that. And in the meantime we got a great mystery story, looking for exactly how it happened. The cast definitely grew on me even more this episode, especially with the addition of the hopelessly broken brother of Ayaka.

Still, this case does seem awfully simple now that the creators hinted at the big boss drugging Ayaka and getting her to drop off that cliff. Still, even considering that there are things that still don’t make sense: why did she choose the school building of all places?
Rating: ** (Excellent)

2 thoughts on “Kami-Sama no Memo-Chou – 11

  1. She probably chose the school building because it was her favorite place. It was where she met Narumi. Angel Fix probably gives a person intense feelings of euphoria and makes them seek out their favorite places or something. That’s why Toshi would end up at the arcade after getting his fix.

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