Kaiba – 12

Short Synopsis: Neiro tries to tell Kaiba his secret as Kaiba and Warp go out of control.
Highlights: Not all questions answered, but this series somehow gets away with it…
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8,5/10
And so it’s unfortunately over. It was to be expected that not every question would be answered (like, what’s up with the planet that Kaiba lives on? It turns out, only the memory of Popo got killed, but how did that happen? and in this episode Kaiba also pulls out a number of random powers that would have been better if they were introduced earlier, so I think that one extra episode would have been sufficient to answer these questions, but still this was a pretty awesome episode.

Masaaki Yuasa clearly intended this episode to go out of control and become something surreal, in a way, it’s in the same style of the ending of Kemonozume, which also came from out of nowhere. It was obviously not the best episode of Kaiba, but at the same time it was very much fun to watch. The surreal parts in this episode were definitely worth watching.

So, in the end, the thing that Neiro discovered about Kaiba was that his mother’s memory was stuffed in the ostrich, as a punishment. At the same time, probably the cutest thing about this episode was this unexpected romance between Hyohyo and the memory-guy. ^^;

At this point, I’m not sure which series to call better: this one or Shion no Ou. They were both absolutely fantastic in their own ways, and without a doubt the best series of 2008. They both had fantastic storytelling, while Shion no Ou had incredible characters, while Kaiba had an incredibly imaginative setting.

6 thoughts on “Kaiba – 12

  1. I really loved this episode a lot, but it bugs the crap out of me that Kaiba has a right hand on his left arm when he saves Neiro from falling…

  2. “bugs the crap out of me that Kaiba has a right hand on his left arm when he saves Neiro from fallin”
    Ya, those moments are kind of a turn off.

  3. Hmm… Just finished it. I think I’ll watch it again when I’m less tired. Anyway, all of the characters surviving after being seemingly killed in the previous episode did detract somewhat from episode 11’s impact. If anything, I’m glad that I waited as long as I did between episodes.

    The ending itself… really experimental, I’ll give it that. Definitely not the strongest episode (eps 3, 10, and 11 were my favorites), but still fun. I never would have thought that I’d laugh as much as I did during this series as I did in Kiichi’s fight.

    Ah. I’m just rambling. I’ll rewatch and gather my thoughts about the series tomorrow.

  4. just to make sure i’ve got this straight…

    So at the next, the massive purple cloud engulfs their entire planet, and all their memories are wiped clean? Aside from the new kaiba, I thinks? Huh… But wait a minute, what actually happened to his mother though? After she became an ostrich, I mean? But my biggest question is mainly this; if “Warp” killed all the other clones, then where did the new Kid-Kaiba come from?!

    So many unanswered questions!! Bothers me so much!! But still love this anime~

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