K – 02

… as for the reason why I picked this series over Code Breaker… ehehehe. It was to avoid a certain… problem. Allow me to elaborate:
– Sword Art Online: 25 episodes. Will end next December.
– Kamisama Hajimemashita: 7 DVDs, so will probably have 13 episodes.
– Hunter X Hunter: with the ratings it’s getting there is no way that Madhouse will cancel it after the Yorkshin arc
– Space Brothers: everything looks like this will be 50 episodes long.
– From the New World: 25 episodes.
– Zetsuen no Tempest: episode count not yet known, but there is no way Bones will make this just one season long.
– Magi: is on the prime time slot. There’s no way that this will be 1 cour.
– Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: 8 DVDs, so longer than 1 cour.
– Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo: 8 DVDs, so longer than 1 cour.
– Psycho Pass: 22 episodes.
– Robotics;Notes: 22 episodes.
– K: 13 episodes.

Are you starting to see the problem here? I mean, it’s awesome to have all these long series and all, but I’m going to have a huge problem in about three months from now. Especially considering that Chihayafuru’s second season will debut next season. If I ended up swapping SAO with Little Busters, then without K I would be unable to blog any new show for the upcoming winter season! Especially considering how many of them are set to deliver in their second halves! And even without this: the people saying that this season is too big: prepare youselves, because unless the upcoming winter is completely terrible, it will be completely crazy with all the continuing shows!

So, K. Granted, it lacks a bit of depth to some of the other shows this season, but it is the series with the best animation of the series, and it’s just very fun to watch. Compared to the other show with amazing graphics this season, Shin Sekai Yori, the animation may be less varied, but it’s also more consistently gorgeous. Shin Sekai Yori has parts that look just simple. In this show, every scene looks great. Gohands are a studio that tend to abuse CG lighting a bit too much, but it’s great to see how much movement the creators managed to put into this series considering that it’s just a TV-series. Also, when characters move in this series, they move with their entire bodies, rather than just turning or looking up in simple ways.

This episode had much fewer characters than the first episode, but the cat and mouse game (pun half intended) between the sword guy and the white-haired guy and the cat who suddenly turned into a naked girl was a lot of fun to watch. That kind of snarkiness is by the way something that Jormungand can learn a lot from: The characters are having fun, and there are definitely a few snarkers here, but there is much more to their charcters than that and there are many characters who are completely different. The question for this show will be: will this just remain a fun show to watch, or will there be more?

Most of the details in this show go to its settings. I mostly mean with how well it’s drawn and animated. The moving backgrounds of last episode were a treat, but also the detail it puts in the houses and building. This episode also animated some delicious looking food; I especially like that scene of the spring onions being cut. That looks so hard to do right.

Also, props to the music department! This episode also showed some insert songs, which I tend to appreciate provided that they’re not used for crappy montage scenes. I mean really: Psycho Pass, From the New World, Jojo, Zetsuen no Tempest, K: all shows with awesome soundtracks this season. Talk about a treat!
Rating: 5/8 (Great)

39 thoughts on “K – 02

  1. Haha, this is an amazing season, I’ll give you that much psgels. No doubt, this is the best fall season we’ve seen in years :).

  2. Zetsuen no tempest is rumoured to be 2 coeur by one of the producers but let’s just see the BD/DVD solicitation to make sure of it and we’re probably going to get original anime ending if indeed it’s 2 coeur.
    Jojo is 26ep w/ 9 BD/DVD released, it’s already been confirmed that they’re going to animate until part 2 or The Battle Tendency arc. Sakurasou is 24 eps and its going to end together w/ the light novel next year ala Toradora so we’re definetely going to get a real ending unlike your usual open/cut ending ala ongoing/unfinished sereis based on ongoing manga/LN.
    Magi is already confirmed for 25/26eps and they’re going to animate until the Balbad arc and it’s on MBS/TBS Nichigo slot(prime time slot)where previously belong to Gundam Age, AoE, FMA, FMA-B, Gundam Seed, etc.
    Oh..btw Psgels, Code Breaker is also slated for 13 eps since there’s 7 BD/DVD confirmed and Sukitte is also going to be 13 eps from what I read on the forum, I haven’t check it yet.

    1. What?! They’re not gonna do any justice on Code:Breaker if it’s only 13 episodes long! For god’s sake, the manga is 100+ chapters already! Will there be a second cour? What a wasted potential!

      1. Yup, according to http://www.code-breaker.jp/?p=459 (official site) there are 6 vol DVD/BD scheduled(sorry not 7 but 6 instead)which usually means there are only 12 eps, so yeah it’s just 1 coeur. Whether it’s going to have 2nd season or not it’ll probably depends on the sales/the manga boost I guess.

  3. Is a shame, Code breker for me is far more interesting than K, The second chapeter gime chills this is a great anti hero show. But is your likes Pgels. Good for you.

  4. Well, that wasn’t hard, was it?
    This series ain’t great, but Code Breaker was just drain-water. The chick’s ‘righteousness’ makes Kamijijou Touma’s speeches seem deep in comparison.

    1. Umm .. she sees someone being murdered and thinks its wrong and you think that is ‘righteousness’? The fact that they are skum is irrelevant.

  5. I definitely sympathize with following too many multiple cour series. I am also thinking what I am going to do come winter when nothing I am watching is ending and more shows will be added on.

    I don’t blog of course but just keeping up with series when you are going to school and working full time is hard.

  6. psgels, yeah thats what i thought because you will still do a full anime review on some of those that werent blogged hey?

  7. Phew… I thought i was the only to find that episode of K as funny. Just a question psgels, will you not continue to blog Magi?

    1. Joshee: I will continue to blog Magi. The show in the biggest danger of being dropped right now is Sword Art Online due to all of the hateful person-aimed comments in the comment section.

      1. Oh I see… Just a suggestion, drop SAO already. I mean I like the show (and I have nothing against it or the fans of it) but looking at this season’s great shows…. you know… I’d rather have you blog a show with much more potential than SAO. Hehehe just my opinion, BTW. =)

  8. well the background in the series no doubt a filler photo, I’m 100% sure, only few where actually drawn. and some are the combination of both

    i wouldn’t say it has the best animation of the season as yet, no clear winner atm, seeing it how much recycle stuff apparent in this episode, and it pretty obvious we will see more off those again ( but im hopping i was wrong )

    the action in this episode was great however

    1. The thing is that it’s gotten way out of hand, with so many people insulting others for liking the series. I’m not its biggest fan and all, but it’s really gotten on my nerves too much.

      1. I get where you’re coming from. I think I may have overdone it with my comments too. Sorry about that. I’m not sure if it’s just me but I feel like you might be under too much pressure to put a balanced view on some of your reviews, taking into account everyone’s feedback. Unfortunately, in some cases, you have people with very extreme views that contradict each other. If writing about something becomes more stressful than fun, especially if there’s some other title you could be writing about more fruitfully in your precious time, I think it may not be a bad idea to drop it for one of those real gems.

        This is why I avoid voting on your “What series should I blog next?” threads. You should write about something that gets to you the way some shows have gotten to me (way more than should be warranted sometimes. XD), rather than let your own opinion be swallowed by the crowd, so to speak. IMHO it’s the best way to let your writing shine and vibe with your audience.

        1. I just realized, but psgels is already at the point where his say matters a lot to many people, huh. He pretty much affect the views of many anime viewers that he attracts lots of fanboy and haters alike, resulting in clashes and flame wars.

          At this point I (and I’m sure a lot others too) wouldn’t mind if you decide to be less lenient and a little more strict in the comment sections.

          1. At this point I (and I’m sure a lot others too) wouldn’t mind if you decide to be less lenient and a little more strict in the comment sections.

            Hm. What do you have in mind?

            Personally, most comments, either for or against a topic are contributing to it, in one way or another. Even if there’s disagreement, at least you’re made aware of a different point of view and it’s depth, which can only be a learning experience in an environment like this. I’m not sure if it’s come to a point yet where more needs to be done to shut people down.

            Plus you’re talking about adding to Psgels’ workload, which means frustration and slower reviews. I see Psgels complaining about things coming to the point of having to actually intervene already. XD

  9. i can understand psgels, its just uncalled for but my main problem is all the people that defend the show by pulling out everything from the manga and tell you it does make sense, because not everyone reads the manga so its not valid. that’s what bugs me the most. i couldn’t care less if someone whats like your an idiot but to use the manga as a guide to help the anime viewers understand is just really stupid. psgels i suggest you write just a simple post expressing that you want all the fighting to stop in the comments. hopefully that will work.

    1. my main problem is all the people that defend the show by pulling out everything from the manga and tell you it does make sense, because not everyone reads the manga so its not valid.

      I get what you mean. The story should tell itself. :/

      I had wanted to avoid discussion on this series, since I was already spoiled so to speak. Unfortunately, this series managed to get to me in a way that not many have to the point where I can’t understand the other side panning it as much as it does. Then again, this is one of a handful of the many series I’ve watched that actually interested me enough to dive into the novels/manga about. (The other recent one I can think of being Haruhi.) I think it’s just my personal fetish. Sorry to have gotten everyone riled up about it.

  10. Hmm… I wonder if there’s something wrong with my eyes. People keep saying the animation is top-tier or movie-like, while I do agree it’s pretty good, I wouldn’t go as far as saying it’s movie-like. The movements don’t look fluid to me.

      1. You talking about K?
        Well, episode 1 was quite nice in places (the Tony Hawk scene, for instance), but I wouldn’t exactly call it movie quality. Mardock Scramble (from the same production team) looks a lot better.K does share some of Mardock’s aesthetic sensibilities (fun with filters, yay) though, for better or worse.

  11. Did you stop saint seiya Omega? Because the ep 26 and 27 last ep was the best and the gold saint arc just begin

  12. I love K for what it is. It has style, great action scenes a great mixed soundtrack between modern jazz, hiphop and lounge. So thank you for blogging it 🙂

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