Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita – 08

Oh, this was interesting: episode 8 of Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita is basically the same as episode 7, only with a different focus. Last week was about the fairies and their bananas, but this time it was all about the assistant. The events were generally the same: Watashi still repeated the episode five times and it all ended in the forest, but here she actually is actively looking for the assistant.

Repetition of course has been done before, but repetition with repetition is a different story, and I’m glad that this show had the guts to do it, since we’ve basically now seen variations of the same scene 10 times right now. And beyond that, the episode also adequately explained why the assistant remained in the background so much, to the point where nobody seemed to notice him.

I’m not sure whether I really get his “first” appearance, though. He acts the complete opposite of what he normally is, including all kinds of sexual harassment. He then leaves, we go to the forest scene again and then suddenly every Watashi has a warm feeling of him and that bratty side of his was never mentioned again. I get that he left searching for some part of himself, but what I don’t get get is how that kickstarted the relationship between him and Watashi.
Rating: 5.5/8 (Excellent)

16 thoughts on “Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita – 08

  1. I get the impression that the loud-mouthed horny “ringo kid” version was actually her grandfather, as the previous banana had sent her back too far in time.
    That’s how grandad had the sundial watch.

    1. Yeah, I’m with Dop on this.
      When the grandfather mentioned how he acquired the watch in the previous episode, I wondered if the girl he mentioned was Watashi as we were moving into time-paradox territory, and that is what I believe this episode showed. As the Fairies said, the ‘model’ of banana sent her back too far, and various things about that version was different, even down to the lighting/time of day I think (?) which higlighted that she wasn’t in the same place.
      This was then followed up by Watashi then saying to the grandfather at the end about him taking the watch from the ‘girl’, not being given it.

  2. Losing the watch was a stable time loop kind of situation. His first love followed by her “giving” the watch. Him knowing about the time paradogs only adds to this theory.

    Also, I think that our assistant not only didn’t have a proper identity, but that this entire story was about the faeries giving watashi a present for her sweets. In the shape of a faerie-made assistant.

    The important thing about this episode that I really liked is how it repeated the previous episode’s plot, but this time they used the framework of the previous episode and expanded all the scenes to fill the blanks everyone was looking for. As in, this time you get to see the other half of each scene.

  3. This was a pretty ingenious idea, never thought that the guy called ringo was actually her grandfather, but that was pretty interesting as well..

  4. Never been a fan of repetition, but its interesting how the second episode closed up the loose ends. Certainly strange all of this is, but its a nice change of pace. It was a pleasant episode to watch. Oh and yeah, that was definitely the grandfather, he took the watch from the lady, which turns out to be the main character herself.

    I’m curious about the creator of Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita, I get the impression that the person is a bit loopy, in a good way of course

    I really like the OP and ED for this show

    1. Well another one of his works will be adapted into a movie soon called Aura:Maryuin Koga’s last battle. It’s similar in tone to this, but a little more traditional in the setting and more of a rom-com. He also writes a lot of H games

  5. I think its pretty clear that he wandered off into the forest, met the multiple of the narrator talking about him, and defined himself by her opinion of him? I mean, that is a pretty damn cool take as I see it, and I’m sticking with it. It breaks the brain 🙂

  6. So pretty much Watashi met her grandfather (the hat kid doesn’t look like Assistant in anything but the height) and gave him the sunclock, which years later he would give Watashi as a memento from “that girl I liked”.
    What I found really interesting is that even when Watashi thought that his grandpa was assistant, she decided to “describe” this last one as what would be her ideal man. I guess Y was that far when she criticized their relationship.

  7. Grandpa got that watch from watashi when he was young. In present time, he gave that watch to watashi. Later she travelled back in time and gave that watch to grandpa. It becomes an endless loop. So, who made that watch? and where did it really come from?
    This episode has definitely raised my rating for Jinrui, the most entertaining show of current season.

    1. eternia, I believe that the watch was originally grandpa’s. Imagine a scenario where the fairies never created a paradox. Grandpa would give Watashi the sundial, after being tasked to find his assistant. The fairies messed with things by having a young Grandpa take the sundial from a Watashi that was brought far back in time. I imagine that the fairies permanently changed history and we will probably never find out how grandpa was supposed to come upon the watch.

  8. But I still don’t understand. Does this imply that Assistant and Grandpa are the same person? Since they both knew about Time Paradog.

    1. Assistant and Ringo kid are completely different people; the only real connection between them is that Watashi used his grandfather’s image to “make” Assistant use Hawaiian shirts. They both knew about the time paradog because it’s a scientific, assistant probably heard about it from that female doctor at some point.

  9. The ecchi blurred again your perception :p

    Otherwise another brilliant episode and arc, both for its original story and the way it was adapted!

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