Jigoku Shoujo – 60

Short Synopsis: A middle aged woman gets bothered by her neighbour who owns a Chihuahua
Highlights: That’s … a very smart dog.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10 (Excellent)
Okay, at this point, I don’t care anymore. I don’t care how politically incorrect this series becomes, I’m not going to care about how unrealistic, repetitive or predictable the stories are. This third season is the typical sort of series that you don’t need to take too seriously, and instead need to look at the messages. This series is just awesome, although for completely different reasons than usual.

This episode really shows that it’s not just teenagers that the creators hate. It goes back to the first season, where at least the one who accesses Jigoku Tsuushin has a valid reason to send the other one to hell. The focus this time goes to a rather clueless woman in her twenties, keeping a Chihuahua (fully dressed and all), and her neighbour who is very easily ticked off by this. Aggressions build up over time, and after a while she tries to poison the poor little animal.

The woman in her twenties wasn’t totally good either (after all, she let her pet walk around in such an embarrassing little outfit), but this really was a typical episode of the first season, with a few of the impulsive influences from the third season (especially when the dog suddenly came running with the straw doll). For some strange reason, the thing I liked best about this episode was the large amount of crazy ideas that the woman got into her head. And of course the punishment scene this time was pure win.

5 thoughts on “Jigoku Shoujo – 60

  1. … Was the dog OK? (: One thing I hated about the first season was how cruel it was to dogs. Not one, but two different episodes involved torturing and killing dogs… and that’s something that’s very difficult for me to watch. Did the dog at least survive this one?


  2. The dog survives, yes. It actually got to take revenge for its counterparts by bringing the straw puppet to her master so that she could pull the string, right before she plummeted towards the ground.

  3. Awesome. Good doggie!! Heheheheh…

    BTW, I know I’ve said this before, but just FYI, PopoloCrois 2003 episodes 25 and 26 are *FINALLY* almost ready for release. Everything is done, and they should be in the process of encoding right now. I estimate MAYBE one week before they’re on BitTorrent. Sorry I’ve been so lazy… I hope you’re still able to enjoy them, after all this time has passed. (:


  4. One of my favorites episodes by far in this season! Thanks god, the dog survived here,yes,all the episodes showing dogs getting killed were really painful to watch, one thing I can’t stand while watching is seeing animals and pets being tortured or killed !!!That’s too painful!!! That third season is less cruel regarding them.
    One thing I didn’t get is what were those blue leaflets or smthg the mean old woman scattered on the roof, i think it has smthg to do with the dog but what exactly that thing was, why the girl had to pick them all up, do you know what it was psgels?

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