Ikoku Meiro no Croisée – 12

What an absolutely adorable final episode. This was just perfect to close off this series with a heart-warming feeling. At first the episode started off a bit uninspired, with Claude getting angry yet again, and Yune getting lost yet again, but as soon as Yune got on the roof of the Galerie, this episode never lost its charms.

It really forced Claude and Yune to talk to each other, and Claude to finally talk about his father, and the way the creators did it was incredibly charming. Throughout most of the series, my main issue with it that Claude might have been a tad too angsty was also pretty decently explained.

Overall, the big difference between this series and Usagi Drop: Usagi Drop was more realistic, while this series was better at creating its atmosphere. Because of that I believe that I like this series a bit better, and its charms hit me more.

Next season, it’ll be time for Tamayura. From the OVAs, we already know that it’s going to be a charming slice of life series, but it’ll be interesting to see whether it can surpass this series. The key will be the fact that it’s anime original: with that, you can make it do things that just won’t be possible in an adaptation, and I really hope that Sato Junichi will make use of that.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

2 thoughts on “Ikoku Meiro no Croisée – 12

  1. This episode is actually chapter 5 of the manga. They expanded it to add some of the details of Jean’s death which is revealed later on (in chapter 8 of the manga). Initially, I wondered why they had skipped it in the anime adaptation, but then I guess they were saving it for the finale. As it was an earlier chapter, I too felt that it did not do justice to the understanding and gentleness that had been so carefully developed between Claude and Yune through out the anime series (which is why Claude’s behaviour at the beginning of the episode seemed a bit out of place). I really do think that chapter 8 of the manga (a visit to the Grand Magasin) that sequentially followed the second to the last episode (Chapter 7: The Park) would have made a more fitting ending, as it really develops Claude and Yune’s relationship in pace. That said, overall it really was an endearing anime.

  2. This one was largely driven by the cute, but it’s charm was undeniable. Claude and Alice dragged it down, Yune and Oscar dragged it up. I liked the ideas, but it felt too repetitive, and a bit bipolar. Usagi Drop was about as good, but it had a more solid feeling of sincerity and growth that made me prefer it slightly. Having both series run in the same season was a crying shame.

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