I kept telling myself not to post about this

I kept telling myself not to get involved with this drama, though I have to say the following. As you all know, DrmsChr0 started a whole fad of bashing Jason. I have to admit, when I first read it, I felt very inclined to agree with him. But then I started to think. And I thought back about the post I made back in May, when I got kicked off blogsuki.

Basically (correct me if I’m wrong), all people are saying is that Jason sucks because his opinions are horrible, and he doesn’t contribute to the community. I have to admit, my opinion is the total opposite from his. He also isn’t involved in the Anime Nano-community, and doesn’t comment too often. Still, he runs his own forums, and I have had one comment on my blog made by him. Still, I certainly know more people are active when it comes to posting.

Does this make him suck? Of course not. People are forgetting one thing: it’s his site. He can do what he wants with it. The fact is, he isn’t looking for customers. He just wants to show his opinions. What does he get back? Opinions like “you suck”. Honestly, if you don’t want to read his articles, then why do you?

I see people noting that all of the anime bloggers out there are part of a community. Because they are, they have to comment a lot, and be active. This would indeed be true, if we were dealing with some forum. This is not the case, however. I can’t see why people who start a blog are automatically required to comment on other blogs and act like active parts of the community. That’s not the reason to start an anime blog, in my opinion. You should be able to choose this for yourself.

0 thoughts on “I kept telling myself not to post about this

  1. No one’s bashing Jason for one single reason, and Drm certainly didn’t start anything himself. The main reason that people have begun voicing any negative opinions about Jason is due to his refusal to even so much as acknowledge Hung’s gracious invitation to join Ano. After that, people got to talking. And the rest is history.

  2. Like I said in my article (which features pretty graphs btw) I think it is essential that we act like a community. We are a forum, just a different kind of forum. We often post regarding each other, reference each other, and comment for each other (like this right here) While a blogger does not have any obligation to act like a member of this community, they should, at the very least, be courteous to others like themselves.

  3. I don’t really think that’s nessecary. It’s your choice to make a blog, and if all you want to do is write about your opinion, who’s there to stop you? I remember that in my early blogging days, I used to behave like that.

    Oh, and Loli: is there a reason to flame Jason in particular? I mean, there are lots of other good bloggers who haven’t signed up (Phoenix512, Random Curiosity, Whai whai).

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