Himitsu ~The Revelation~ – 13

Short Synopsis: The second episode of Maki’s background. We get more insight into why Suzuki went crazy.
Highlights: I’ve spent a few minutes, figuring what to write here without spoiling everything… but failed to come up with anything sensible…
Overall Enjoyment Value: 9/10

Holy crap… it’s episodes like these where Himitsu’s strength really shines. While watching an episode, it may seem like an average, though rather paranoid episode, but then the episode ends and everything comes together, and everything suddenly becomes 10 times more awesome. I still have no idea how the bloody hell the creators manage to pull this off, but this episode remains absolutely amazing.

The big revelation in this episode (which came quite fast, actually) was the fact that Maki had met this crazy mass murderer before he died. The guy tried to shoplift, but was caught easily by the shop owner. The guy looked miserable, so Maki decided to let the guy go with a warning. He even gave him some groceries, because he felt pity for the guy. After that, the guy started brutally murdering 28 people and caused Maki to kill Suzuki, which is the big reason why Maki is still being haunted by this event: there’s no way not to feel responsible for it. Suzuki also wanted to protect Maki from the truth, because as it turns out, the fact that Maki spared the guy had a major influence on the killer, up to the point where he fell in love with him.

However, after he just watched 28 bodies being mutilated beyond belief, there’s no wonder that his mind became unclear as hell. All he could think off was to not let Maki see what he just saw, though he failed to shoot his own brains. This is why his mind got preserved, and in this episode, Aoki finally got the courage to watch it.

On a side-note, I can’t wait for the eighth episode to get subbed and see the reaction of those who watched it.

One thought on “Himitsu ~The Revelation~ – 13

  1. hahahahaha I remember this clearly in the manga when I read it it was really full emo & angast in Maki’s part! That reminds me when the guys from MIR saw Maki’s pic smiling the boys blush like seeing a cute girl (manga version)I’ll enjoy seeing this in action the connections of the characters are so wonder as well as their chemistry!

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