HeartcatchPrecure – 31

And here we have it: the upgrade episode. Both the bad guys and the good guys received new powers. Now, as much as I like this series, I’m going to be critical again here, because there are a few questions that bother me here:

– In this episode, Sabaaku hands Sasorina, Kumojacky and Cobraja a gem that lets them upgrade their desatorians. Where did he get that and why didn’t he use that before?
– How do Precures discover new abilities anyway? Do they just… “level up” and instantly know how to use new powers? I mean, the golden Precures here… where did they come from? Did they just think of this in the heat of the moment or something?
– Why is there a fanclub for the biggest geek in the school?

Those gems… I have this hate love relationship with them. On one hand, they did make the fights more interesting. On the other hand: Sasorina was about to develop, dammit. I really liked how she was changing at the beginning of this episode, and here that damn evil Sabaaku had to step in and do something about it.

Still, the above questions were the things that you could expect from a mahou shoujo. It in any case didn’t prevent this series from being excellent again, especially since it took Yuri under the loop again, and especially the relationship between her and Tsubomi. This episode definitely succeeded in giving a bit of colour to her character and it made her more than the angsting Yuri.

On top of that, this episode carried on the theme of the previous episode of the loss of fairies, as the characters thought of the possibility of losing Chypre, Coffret and Potpourri. Always great to flesh them out.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

6 thoughts on “HeartcatchPrecure – 31

  1. “- In this episode, Sabaaku hands Sasorina, Kumojacky and Cobraja a gem that lets them upgrade their desatorians. Where did he get that and why didn’t he use that before?”

    Maybe he wanted to see the trio try to handle it themselves and seeing if they needed help or not after a certain amount of times they tried to attack the Precure? That would probably make sense. And…was Yuri really angsty? I didn’t see any angst in her character at all. She just seemed kinda solemn and quiet to me, but not angsty.

  2. In this episode, Sabaaku hands Sasorina, Kumojacky and Cobraja a gem that lets them upgrade their desatorians. Where did he get that and why didn’t he use that before?
    –From what I understood, Sabaaku’s boss Dune told him to give them the gems. (he might have given them to Sabaaku as well but I didn’t hear)

    How do Precures discover new abilities anyway? Do they just… “level up” and instantly know how to use new powers? I mean, the golden Precures here… where did they come from? Did they just think of this in the heat of the moment or something?
    –Probably in the heat of the moment. It’s not like they had to do a lot of thinking to combine their attacks like this. Just fly their fortissimo straight through forte burst.

    Why is there a fanclub for the biggest geek in the school?
    –They must be equally as geeky xD

  3. 1. Maybe Sabaaku has just invented the Dark Bracelets.

    2. Itsuki says something like “let’s show them the result of our training!” but it still feels weird to see a Precure power-up without a magical item…

  4. “How do Precures discover new abilities anyway?”

    I don’t think it’s a new ability but a new way of using their abilities ^^ If you rewatch it you will see that they didn’t make any new moves, all of them were the old attacks, they only changed the way to use them to make it more effective.
    New power for PreCures is in next ep 😉

  5. and I don’t think Saitani’s two lackeys are his fanclub,I think they’re just his friends ^^;

    Can’t wait for next week’s episode ^_____^

  6. What wowed me the most was the fact that there’s a real villain behind it all…unless they showed that before XD I stopped in the early episodes until Sunshine showed up.

    The preview spoiled us already who’s coming back and more…

    I noticed that some shots on Sunshine were pretty bad, like when Blossom was giving one of her speeches again. And her eyes seem greenish than yellow.

    Yea, I only like Sunshine in the series XD reason why I’m watching Precure.

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