Heartcatch Precure – 47

Okay. That was awesome.

I mean, Cure moonlight once again proves here that she’s my favourite character of this series. An entire episode devoted to her fight with Sabaaku and Dark Precure, only being helped by Cure Blossom. In just about any other mahou shoujo, characters like her often take up the role of a supporter in the background: creators would have put priority on the real main character, in this case Cure Blossom. Here instead we get an epic fight between her and Dark Precure, worthy of the climax of this series.

On top of that: Professor Sabaaku. Dear lord, he’s Yuri’s father. I always wondered what happened to Yuri’s father, but somehow it only occurred to me that he might be also part of Sabaku when his mask fell down. That really was an awesome plot twist, to think that he created Dark Precure, entirely because he wanted to beat his own daughter. That Dune is one bastard here. If he somehow found out what Cure Moonlight would become later (presumably because he got some sort of similar radar like the one that the mascots have), he really could have pulled it off by brainwashing her father.

And the best part is that things aren’t even over yet. This episode ended at the exact point where Cure Moonlight beat Dark Precure. Like, immediately after that. No aftermath. Heck, not even a “curing scene”. This really convinced me that the creators are trying to save the most heartwarming moments for last, which is also why we haven’t gotten to see Kumojacky and Cobraja’s real forms yet. I mean, pretty much the only bad guy left at this point is Dune. With two episodes left, the creators can really pull off an amazing finale at this point.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

9 thoughts on “Heartcatch Precure – 47

  1. Oh come on… how could you NOT know Sabaaku was Yuri’s father? You’ve been watching anime for years, you should know this stuff by now.

    Also, the episode gets one point minus for finding a stupid reason to have TWO transformation scenes. I guess they blew the budget.

  2. yeah the transformation scenes were annoying…
    and true I think it was pretty obvious that Sabaaku is Yuris father.
    Still, a really awesome episode. I especially liked the use of the Soundtrack in it…

  3. Extra transformation scenes mean budget blowing in this show. Heheh. Well that’s not so bad considering what they used that budget on. Oh well, we can just fast forward that part xD

  4. That episode was awsome, the one thing that did not make it a fantastic episode was the reuse of old scenes and the Snackey part.

    It’s wasnt as good as episode 34 but it was still awsome

    Toei must be losing it’s money because of this series.

  5. Or maybe 2 transformation scenes means that they are saving all their budget for the end 🙂
    And yes, like, it was obvious from like the moment Yuri’s backstory was introduced that Sabaaku was her father. After all, who else could it have been?

  6. Not even guessing Sabaaku was Yuri’s father makes me question the amount of time you put into anime or if you ever learned the the way logic works in anime…

  7. I’m surprised you found the fact that Prof Sabaaku is Yuri’s father such a surprise. It really was pretty obvious for quite a long time too me, although not too obvious for kids though. That’s what I like about Heartcatch Precure, where the story isn’t dumbed down so much just because its a kids show, but also not too complex that the kids can’t follow on their own.

    And I have to admire those guys back on earth though, just standing around looking up towards the sky all the time. If I were to do that, I’d probably get neck pains all day long lol

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