Heartcatch Precure – 40

Just when I thought that this show couldn’t get any better… and it surpasses itself. Yet again. I mean, I’m running out of superlatives here, the previous episode made it seem like it was going to quietly build up until the final climax, and instead here this show comes with one of its best episodes so far. How the hell do these creators keep doing this?

It’s exactly as I hoped though: the final quarter of this series really is going to focus on the bad guys. But holy crap, to think that they already finished off one of them at this stage… what the hell do they have in store for the rest of these episodes? Sasorina’s end was incredibly sad, especially with the twist that she pretty much was just another Desatorian.

I mean, this is hard core for a kids’ show: they pretty much put three people (perhaps even five, if the same is true for Sabaaku and Dark Precure…) into a coma for more than a year. Sasorina was a fun and quirky character to follow throughout these past forty episodes, but things get a completely new dimension here when you think at how all this time, there was her body lying around in a coma, waiting for the Precures to heal her heart. It’s a fantastic way to develop her character, and I also loved the subtle parts that Kumojacky and Cobraja played in this episode.

Also, the creators also found a solution of keeping this show from becoming too epic and losing its charms. There have a been a lot of different things turned into Desatorians over the past few episodes. But an entire freaking school building?! That’s just cool on so many levels. On top of that, the story of this episode was also a really charming one that actually used an overused anime trope really well. There have been plenty of series by now who had this underdog who suddenly gets powers and authority for himself, and he starts daydreaming of how to absolutely not use these powers. It’s annoying and overdone, and yet I loved how maturely this show treated this by really showing that he knows better after getting scolded by Itsuki about it.

Oh yeah, and Itsuki also deciding to retire as the student council president. These are the kinds of things you expect at a penultimate episodes and we’ve still got ten episodes left!
Rating: **** (Fantastic)

6 thoughts on “Heartcatch Precure – 40

  1. Damn you psgels.

    I tried watching this series for two episodes and it was okay (maybe a little too girlie).

    But after giving this series two 4 star ratings and a lot of 3 star ratings I have to watch it.

    The last series I did this for was Birdy the Mighty Decode 2 which turned out to be amazing. I dropped it after the first season but picked it back up after you were giving it awesome ratings and it turned out to be amazing…..Damn you.

  2. I kinda don’t see this series ending at about 10 eps to go.

    There’s too much backstory and some of the girls were barely introduced in full as Precure.

    This series REALLY needs another 50 episodes.

  3. I’m wishing the newly announced Pretty Cure season for winter is going to be a sequel … I’m really hoping for this.
    Sasorina … ;_;

  4. I tried to get into this one, but it just isn’t for me.. I just don’t get the power ranger/ powerpuff girls/ dbz/ sailor moon combi and don’t see what’s so great about the story, the drama or the characters either. I do acknowledge the rich colours and animation though, which make it at least worth watching a few fights.

  5. I thought it was funny that even after seeing how Sasorina ended up, Cure Bloodlust was still all “of course, we won’t be beaten!” ^^;
    I thought it was quote nice to see that the dessert messengers are just desatorians too. The only thing is that I felt that they missed a chance when they don’t show Sasorina’s backstory.I mean,her flower was ABOUT withstanding sadness and jealousy so it really made me want to know about her past,about how she turned into a Dessert Messenger.

  6. @C160, They will probably talk about the Backstory when they Get to the High school precures missing fath. . .err professor Sabaku.

    It probably has something to do with dune and the grandmother and the fact that he probably got caught up in something while searching for the heart tree

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