Heartcatch Precure – 36

Awesome idea: when it’s finally time for the school festival and the fashion show, the creators call in the help of the local light music club. Again it’s within the whole theme of Tsubomi and Erika not being the only ones with stress and nerves, and on top of that it was also a nice excuse to make the fashion show even more awesome than it already was.

The desatorians in this episode were even more on the background than usual. The real climax of this episode was the fashion show, and combined with the performance of the light music club it really was a wonderful end to all of the effort that Tsubomi, Erika and the other members of the fashion club put into it. And I usually have no interest in fashion whatsoever! Also note how the creators tried to insert as many family members as they could: the only one missing was Yuri’s mother.

Overall, the school festival was a very interesting detour here. Directly it had nothing to do with defeating Dune and Sabaaku, but it was a really excellent way to flesh out both the main cast, and the people around them: it allowed some of the previous characters to make a reappearance, and overall it was just really fun to watch. After this we should probably get a few more random stories, and I am very curious, both in what part Cure Moonlight will play in it, and what the creators have in mind for the next arc. We’re nearing the final quarter here, so they should start to develop the bad guys by now.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

6 thoughts on “Heartcatch Precure – 36

  1. I’m glad I finally decided to watch Precure; it really is an awesome show, and the OST is brilliant. But I don’t care for the random individual cases and battles much anymore unless they deal directly with Dark Precure. I’m looking forward to more development on the villain’s side~

  2. Really like this episode! The music was really nice too.No only the song at the end,but the one played during the hot blooded scene was very nice too,hopefully it will be released in the soundtrack!

  3. I enjoyed checking out the clothes of the fashion club but other than that, the episode was fine. I look forward to the next one most. Precure counterpart…Sunshine’s counterpart intrigues me XD

  4. The episode was great! The preparations, the insert song, all of it. However, Aya and Mayu (the op and ed singers) were rather annoying as characters. And the fight was standard. But the writers did a great job of drawing out everything else instead and I enjoyed that.

  5. That has to be one very rich school to be able to get that sort of stage set-up for just a school festival. And the Light Music club must be pretty famous for all the audiences to bring along glow sticks lol.

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