Heartcatch Precure – 34

Really… this show is unbelievable. This could very well be the best episode of Heartcatch Precure yet. It was completely awesome, from start to finish. I’m really starting to run out of praises for this series without sounding like some repetitive fanboy here.

I mean, Moonlight’s return gave a completely new dynamic to the action here, especially with Dark Precure present. The Dark Precure, who had consistently kicked Blossom and Erika’s ass throughout the series was much more of a match for Cure Moonlight, who also fights completely different from the other Precures so far: it’s far more calculated, wasting as little energy as possible with fancy movements or dodges like especially Tsubomi and Erika like to do. Also, this episode really reminded us of a whole subplot that somehow suggests that Dark Precure and Cure Moonlight are actually very similar (part of the same moon). It’s also great to see Sabaaku finally getting off his damn chair, in order to actually save Dark Precure.

This really was Cure Moonlight’s episode: everything was meant to show her pwn as many bad guys as possible, but at the same time I am very surprised that Tsubomi and Erika… didn’t actually get much stronger in terms of hand to hand combat. With the upgrade episode, they probably received some kind of ultimate weapon, but if things are like this episode, and the bad guys keep them busy and spread out, they actually can’t get the chance to use it. Now THAT’s a power-up: something more than just a Deus ex Machina that the creators cheaply use in order to balance out the power level differences.

The aftermath in this episode may have been even more awesome than the fight. I mean, how many mahou shoujo actually kill off their mascots? Seriously, Cologne… he was just some temporarily spirit made by the Heart Tree in order for Yuri to get her spirits back. I really did not expect the creators to have the guts to actually keep him dead, and actually erase that spirit as well, not to mention how well the creators did justice to that series. It was just two minutes long, but it showed so much within just those two minutes. I really have to applaud this series for that.

And if that wasn’t incredible enough, the creators just had to end that episode in such an adorable way, in which Yuri ends up joining the fashion club. It’s awesome to see how much she stands out there, being more than three years older than all of the other girls there. Being dragged around by a bunch of kids who have been dying for her support since episodes, I’m really looking forward to seeing more of the quiet moments in this series.
Rating: **** (Fantastic)

10 thoughts on “Heartcatch Precure – 34

  1. What is the level of Japanese in this series? Seeing as it’s targeted at kids, my guess is it should be low, and you are constantly rating it high, so it’s probably watchable at the very least. And I am looking for some easy-to-understand Japanese. I’ve been here in Japan as a 留学生 for half a year already, and my Japanese still sucks. Also, my classes focus mostly on academic Japanese, so I guess I’m on my own when it comes to learning the rest…
    If you can think of any other easy-to-understand anime, I’ll appreciate it.

  2. Perrin: Heartcatch Precure is quite easy to understand, yeah. It’s targetted at children, and a very good way to get accustomed with the Japanese language. Considering your tastes I’m not sure whether you’ll like it, because it is very childish at times, with a lot of monster of the week episodes, but you can always give the first episode a try and see how it goes.

  3. AWESOMENESS!Moonlight really shows that experience really allow her to fight on a whole different level than the rest of them! I also really like how they manage to make Moonlight character not one dimensional.I think she’s gonna fit in just fine with the rest of the gang ^w^

  4. OK, I’m catching up to the current episodes.What the hell IS it with this show? In theory, it should be ultra lame, but it kicks serious ass on all grounds. The charatcer development is extraordinary, and animation is fluid, the BGM is fantastic, and the action scenes put most of the current shounen anime to shame.

  5. This is probably the first time yet I’ve seen you rate an episode as fantastic, and I have to agree whole heartedly with that assessment. Cure Moonlight really shows that she is in a different class than the other, and the way she fights really do portray her experience compared to the other new Precures. On to the next episode then.

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