Heartcatch Precure – 28

For an episode that was about such a seemingly dull subject (summer homework), the creators somehow did it and made the characters even more adorable than they usually are. I mean, wow. You often see kids worry about summer homework in anime, but I like the twist this episode gave to it, when Cobraja got the chance to collect the desatorians of hundreds of kids who were worrying about not finishing it.

I mean, I’m really surprised at how well this episode worked, as it pretty much is a staple of the more cheaper kids’ series: a character is really lazy, slacks off and postpones this homework for way too long, or has some other fit saying how he or she hates homework. At the end of the episode then some message follows preaching how good it is to do your homework, etc. This episode handled it very tactfully though: instead of talking to the viewers, it talked to the characters. It was instead about this bridge that all kids their age need to cross: just doing the homework already.

Erika really was adorable in this episode, especially in the way that the creators portrayed her. I mean, there are so many different characters in anime complaining about homework, but this energy of her made her so enjoyable to watch as she throughout the entire episode tried to run away from it.

And by the way, this could be me because Cure Marin was having a bad day, but am I the only one who is seeing Cure Blossom changing? I mean, to me it really seems like she’s more and more able to follow Cure Sunshine, and actually learning from the way that Cure Sunshine fought. She feels much more controlled now. I think that’s because as a shy person, she often gets caught up in the pace of the one close to her. Previously this was Erika, but now that she really has gotten close to Itsuki it feels more and more like she feels closer to Itsuki now, compared to Erika. It may just be this episode though, which went out of its way to set Erika apart from the two others.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

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