Heartcatch Precure – 25

With all of the careful build-up of Cure Sunshine, it’s a bit ironic to see that the creators have no intentions to get Cure Moonlight back into the series. But you know what? This is even better news here. Especially considering that Itsuki really became a main character here, instead of some side-character who is doomed to remain in the shadows of Blossom and Marin. If the same is going to happen to Cure Moonlight, my guess will be that the series is going to get quite a bit more mature, as we now really have the contrast between the two innocent characters of Tsubomi and Erika, and the more matured characters of Itsuki and Moonlight.

But yeah, this episode already showed what a major impact Itsuki has had. The bad guys now really need to take more risks, resulting in that Sasorina nearly got caught. I’m not sure if that scene was building up to something, but if it was then it’s going to be awesome. What I’m hoping for the most right now is that the creators won’t pull some sort of deus ex machina that won’t give Tsubomi and Erika some amazing powers to match Cure Sunshine. I really hope that that’s going to be one of the formulas that the creators will be able to avoid. In fact, I can imagine that with Cure Moonlight, the combination of the four Precures will be about as strong as Dark Precure, which will probably result in some epic battles. Make Tsubomi and Erika too strong, and that whole balance is gone again.

The best part of this episode was the gasshuku, though. It’s great to see the fashion club again, and it’s great to see that all of the members have been portrayed really well as girls of their age. It really helped to show Itsuki’s development, and how people are starting to see her beyond her image of the student council president, while she at the same time doesn’t try to be someone she isn’t.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

8 thoughts on “Heartcatch Precure – 25

  1. Yeah, I also think that the Fashion Club was one of the best parts of the episode. I liked how they all had their own individual character traits and quirks.

  2. Cure Moonlight will come back into the main storyline, just not right now. Keep an eye out in October. ^_~

  3. It is apparent that ALL cures get some power up as seen at the last moment of the 2nd ending. Not really any fun if Sunshine does all the hard work, while Blossom and Marine just gawk in awe.

  4. Hehe interesting new ending song,hallelujah indeed..The fights in this episode was quite interesting,seems the girls are getting stronger.And it seems Cure Moonlight will join the team soon!So excited!

  5. This is just me but, I noticed Itsuki’s brother pet Erika for the second time? Come to think of it, this shoujo anime hasn’t really advanced much in romance. Whatever happened to that black haired guy that use to save them?

  6. @ ashakura:
    Yes you saw right about Erika. It didn’t advance much on romance and the mysterious guy kinda got forgotten but I think there’s been lots of hints that Tsubomi still has some kind of crush on Itsuki. I wonder what they intend to do with that though because it’s quite unusual for a mahou shojo aimed at young girls.

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